On Mon, 8 Mar 2004, guenter geiger wrote:
On Fri, 5 Mar 2004, Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
Question 3: The easiest solution would be to have the CVS somewhere else. The BEST solution would be to have it at Millers place.
Any updates on this? when would this be done? I'm also pretty sure that Artengine.CA would be very pleased to host the CVS, but I don't want to make it look like a takeover ;-)
Well, this is actually the main problem. I have tried hard to make clear that the CVS is not trying to split from pd, but it is trying to help and coordinate the different improvment efforts. The problem is not the bandwith or server space, its a political one, and the last thing that I want to happen is that pd gets split.
As long as it's clear, it's fine with me. Hosting is supposed to be first and foremost a service. I don't mean it as a way of imposing anything, like deciding who gets a developer account and such. Whoever does the hosting should be neutral.
Note that although I make impd and am associated with Artengine, and although people at Artengine are likely to be quite enthusiastic about impd, Artengine is first a not-for-profit organisation and a hosting service for artists, and just like they let their artists do pretty much what they want, they wouldn't interfere with the existing developer team.
I am not suggesting that we should move the CVS to Artengine, only that it's possible to do so and it wouldn't be bad. However, centralization sometimes makes things simpler, and so, it would probably be better to cluster the CVS services with other services, and so IEM.At might be a better candidate.
The complain I heard the most about SourceForget is that their anonymous-cvs servers are saturated. That's mostly over these days (I don't know for how long). The second complain, which is a current one, is about how they fixed this first problem... they use a delayed mirroring system, which means I can't interact with anonymous-cvs users the way I'd do it on another similar system, because there's a delay of several hours for the mirroring. (I don't know how long exactly; the worst case is at most 24 hours, but it's often quicker)
Now that I think of it, there's a workaround, which is that everyone who wants no-delay CVS would get a SourceForget account. There is little barrier to entry, AFAIK, except that it's annoying, and it inflates SourceForget's developer count figures =)
________________________________________________________________ Mathieu Bouchard http://artengine.ca/matju