Am Montag, 15. Mai 2006 13:42 schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner:
This sounds like you are wrtiing a [libusb] object, which would be very nice.
not directly a general libusb object, altough some of the stuff may be reused for that...
I have a different suggestion, related to the question I just posted. What about not using a thread at all, and instead having the first instance executed get the data from the USB bus, and stick it in an array. Then every other instance set to read the same device will just output the data from that array. This relies on the OS doing some buffering, which in the case of HID, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows already do.
well, first, there is more on usb than just hid. second, what about latency? if you dont use a thread, you can only poll the device at a defined intervall. if the "master" object is the last in the chain to be scheduled, the "slaves" can update on the next slice only, adding a lag of one "tick". next, how to syncronize? i see the same problems as with using a single thread an a single/multiple listener(s). what about the following:
the object has a "static char slave" which is 0 on the first instance, and 1 for each other. the object itself has a thread that constantly polls the usb bus. the master calls a "processsPacket(char *data)" function when data arrives, issuing a lock before the call and unlock after it. (note that the lock only happens when new data arrives....) or a similar thing, of course. if an instance detects that it is a slave, it just doesnt start the thread, but instead registers itself to a small "list of listeners" within the master. the master then calls the processPacket() function for each registered listener. of course, slaves have to unregister upon deletion. also, if the master gets deleted, it should set the first slave in that list as the new master.
what do you think about that?
on a related matter: somehow libusb seems to be unstable/buggy on windows. i have some code here, using bulk read's and write's, that works just fine on linux, but is almost non-working on windows. the data drips in maybe one packet each second or two, with only -116 error inbetween. also, the formerly working stuff for the multio starts to make these problems on windows now. and that even without any changes to the firmware or the pd-object...
so we should definitely investigate that issue first.... do you have a pic programmer and a usb pic at hand? if so, contact me off-list so we can setup a little test-bench for that purpose ....
oh, and a last thing: how do you intend to handle hid devices when they are claimed by some other driver already? there are syscalls at least in linux to detach devices from a driver by an external task. but imagine if, by accident, someone does that with the systems mouse & keyboard?
On Tue, 2 May 2006, Christian Klippel wrote:
hi all,
can anyone confirm that using outlet_anything() inside a thread is safe? just wrote a little object that reads a usb device in a thread, and send to the outlets from there directly via outlet_anything() .... so far it doesnt crash or anything, it just works (of course there are some objects connected to them), altough its only a few route's and slider/bangs/toggles connected.
since the thing does peak detection, there is a hell lot of toggles comming in, plus some faders ... so its really quite some traffic ....
but i want to make sure that i can do it that way, and not that there are any surprises later when doing that ...
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