Better yet (I think) - just include a 64 bit DLL with the 64-bit Pd and a 32-bit one otherwise.
If anyone wants to volunteer to compile a 64-bit one I'll gladly include it in teh 64-bit release (otherwise I'll try my own hand at it later this week).
I'm hoping to get the final version out Saturday :)
On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 02:37:22PM +0000, Lucas Cordiviola wrote:
Hi Miller,
I've detected that your "0.50-0 test1" for win64 is built with an 64-bit wish86.exe. This one does not ship, nor load the current pdfonloader.dll that it's for 32-bit only.
I see 2 solutions:
Build and use wish86.exe for 32bit.
Build an 64bit "pdfontloader64.dll" and include some lines in
pd-gui.tcl to auto-detect the current wish* architecture and then load the correct pdfontloader.
Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.