On Nov 2, 2011, at 10:05 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
On 2011-11-02 14:43, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
I assume you need access to the binaries for the linking. You can point your PD_PATH to /home/pd/auto-build/pd-extended/pd and as long as last night's build succeeded in building the core of Pd-extended, there will be binaries there. It should be read everyone.
unfortunately not. i looked at the autobuild-logs and the externals/Makefile to see how things are built there; attached (make.log) is what i got when trying to build externals/windowing in exactly the same way as the autobuild.
(the make.log shows problems with header files, which are of course quite easy to overcome; unfortunately i get the same problems when linking)
Or you could just copy the pd-extended/pd folder somewhere in the pddev account and keep a location account.
well, no; attached (copying.log) is the output when i try to do the copy.
Or even check out pure-data.git, and build it there.
that would be a good idea, but:
- the machine is a bit slow; compiling Pd takes ages
- i still haven't spent enough time to get a usable build, even when i
did find a bit of time to try to compile Pd myself.
- i'd rather spend my time in getting my broken code to work than to
"fix" things which already appear to work anyhow
I forced everything in the 'pd' account to be read everyone, hope that helps.
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