Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
On Jan 3, 2009, at 1:48 PM, Miller Puckette wrote:
The "pd_" is not understood in Tcl. If you have a package/namespace called "menus", that is very vague and has a very high potential for causing name conflicts. "pd_menus" is much clearer in meaning and much less likely to cause name conflicts. "t_" seems pretty much meaningless to me, especially since the files end with ".tcl".
.tk is for wish shell, and .tcl is for tclsh and packages, so those different endings have meaning. pd.tk is run with the Wish shell. It could be pd.tcl, as long as there is a "package require Tk", which will then launch the Wish shell stuff. I don't know if that would play nice with the Wish.app on Mac OS X.
two remarks: - as i understand it, u_main.tk is deprecated and replaced by pd.tk. can we then delete u_main.tk?
- for the sake of clarity: wouldn't it be nicer to have a separate directory for all the tcl/tk files?
and a question: - is there any documentation? how do I start getting into this (apart from reading all the code)?
mfga.sdr IOhannes