On 2017-04-11 11:30, Niccolò Granieri wrote:
- I'm attaching the minimal test patch with which I was able to reproduce the bug.
thanks. however, that test patch doesn't do anything (yet).
could you make the TestPatch complete, so that it: - can be run as a standalone? (e.g. it includes a *sender* of OSC data) - sets up the system so that it can exhibit the problem, or at least provide step-by-step instructions on how to trigger the problem.
something as trivial as: 1. click here 2. notice that the number over there changes 3. now turn on the DSP 4. click here again 5. notice that the number doesn't change 6. turn DSP off 7. notice how the number changes again
ideally most of these steps should be automated (apart from the "notice" part, which probably requires a human)
i have a number of bug-patches lying on my harddisk. if they are not self-describing they are pretty worthless.
fgamsf IOhannes