On Tue, Jun 30, 2009 at 10:40 AM, Georg Wernergeorg@fricklr.de wrote:
this is a little workaround for not having associative arrays ... ;) sorting 2 lists by the first one. (in this case e.g. the x-values and ids of objects) g.
I think IOhannes means that the object is missing ; )
I also made some alignment patches, ha, but forgot to announce them - I'm keeping stuff in the SVN under abstractions/meta-abs/experimental. Looks like yours is cooler anyway!
By the way, check out [sort] in zexy - it outputs both a sorted list as well as indices of the original positions in the input list, so you can get "sort-one-list-by-another" functionality out of it (it's what i'm using in my alignment patches) - and it's sure to be quicker. (oh, I suppose you could already be using it in 2list-sort but I can't know : ) )
Very glad an ecosystem is blooming!
Best Luke
IOhannes m zmoelnig schrieb:
Georg Werner wrote:
i did an abstraction for aligning objects. thanks to canvasobjectposition this was not too hard. if you put it in your search path you can create an [align] object which provides keyboard shortcuts for left-align and top-align. and i did another option for distribution in equal distances both x and y.
fgamsdr IOhannes