Hi David,
Has anyone got any ideas on this? I know Davide Morelli wants (eventually) to create a Lisp interpreter for PD, but I would like to hear thoughts on what the best route for a unified scripting framework for PD could be...if there can be such a thing at all?
what i'm (slowly) working on is an interface between PD and the CLR (common language runtime), also known as .NET or mono. This is a kind of bytecode assembly (related to Java bytecode) which can be targetted from different programming languages, like C#, C++/CLI, Java#, IronPython, VisualBasic, DotLisp. With the associated JIT-Compiler these portable executables can be quite fast, much faster than current Python or ruby, and they can cooperate easily, independently of the source language used. It's forseeable that not all scripting languages will support the CLI (common language infrastructure), but a growing number does.
see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Language_Runtime http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:.NET_programming_languages http://www.mono-project.com http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpguide/htm...
best greetings, Thomas