On 09/10/2014 06:45 PM, Jonathan Wilkes via Pd-dev wrote:
- On a more superficial note, isn't the problem that Pd doesn't store stray "\n" characters in message boxes? The only time I can think of when one would have a real desire for $0 in a message box is when initializing a bunch of receivers:
[; $0-foo 1; $0-bar 2; $0-flub 3;(
But if the box stored "\n" you could get the same clean format with commas: [foo 1, bar 2, flub 3( | [zerofy-me] <- add a "$0-" to the selector
| |
hmm, i totally fail to see how this does not work currently.
ah, is your (only) concert, that the selectors do not line up nicely? it would probably make sense for the msgbox to auto-linebreak between msgboxes anyhow.
or you play a bit with the box-width.
but then, i totally agree that whitespaces should be preserved in patches.
gfmdsar IOhannes