I have to say that, having thought about it a bit more, I agree with Frank about not including the plugins in PD-extended. It needlessly creates extra work. I originally put them in my 'bespoke' PD bundle to hide them from the user for the specific piece I am working on, but I could just as easily have included them outside of the bundle.
I'll work on incorporating dssi~ into the build system, and leave it at that.
Regards, Jamie
On Mon, 27 Feb 2006 13:02:03 +0100 Frank Barknecht fbar@footils.org wrote:
Hallo, Hans-Christoph Steiner hat gesagt: // Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
If you wanted to (in time), I would be willing to maintain a more complete set of DSSI plugins, but you may feel that this bloats PD- extended.....
Sounds ok to me, especially if you can get them working on all three platforms. Just import the sources that you use into the pure-data CVS, so others can easily build Pd-extended too without having to download sources from a million different places.
I'm *very much* against putting sources for DSSI or LADSPA or VST or whatever plugin into the pure-data CVS. To me it feels like trying to put every free audio software there is into a repository, that is intended to only hold Pd related stuff. For example we don't put the sources for the Snd editor in Pd-CVS, even when there is a snd-external, and we don't keep a duplicate copy of Csound just for csoundapi~. Or a Ubuntu-mirror, because some of us ...
Lets try to focus on Pd stuff and not mirror the world.