this will relate to something i've been meaning to look into... i have a .bat file on my windows box that i use to launch pd... and i associated fiules of type .pd to this batch file... so i can double click a random patch and pd will load it... so far so good... the only problem is that the second time i do that, it launches a second instance of pd... combine this with the *really bad* bug with either port audio, pd or my ASIO driver where when i launch 2 instances of PD who try to both grab the ASIO driver it pegs my CPU to 100% ... does anyone know if there is a way to make PD open a patch in an *existing* instance of pd instead of running a new one?
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Has anyone tried to use AppleScript to write a nice double-clicker for PD on MacOS X? Someone suggested this approach to me but I have never used AppleScript.
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