Ok, its built and included, but its not finding the liblua on Mac OS X:
/Applications/Pd-0.43.0-extended-20110318.app/Contents/Resources/ Scripts/../extra/pdlua/pdlua.pd_darwin: dlopen(/Applications/Pd-0.43.0- extended-20110318.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts/../extra/pdlua/ pdlua.pd_darwin, 10): Symbol not found: _lua_type Referenced from: /Applications/Pd-0.43.0-extended-20110318.app/ Contents/Resources/Scripts/../extra/pdlua/pdlua.pd_darwin Expected in: dynamic lookup
One advantage of actually linking pdlua to liblua is that the embed- macosx-dependencies.sh script will automatically include the needed lib into the Pd-extended package.
"pkg-config lua --libs" should do it on Mac OS X/Fink.
On Mar 16, 2011, at 4:58 PM, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Hey Martin,
Glad to see you are working on getting pdlua integrated into Pd- extended. It is now dying with a linking error on Mac OS X:
pdlua.c:877: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned linking pdlua with -llua5.1 -lc cc -mmacosx-version-min=10.4 -bundle -undefined dynamic_lookup -L/ sw/lib -o "pdlua.pd_darwin" "pdlua.o" -llua5.1 -lc /usr/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/ld: can't locate file for: -llua5.1
It looks like you should use -llua.5.1 since the dylib is called /sw/ lib/liblua.5.1.dylib
I hate it when they say, "He gave his life for his country." Nobody gives their life for anything. We steal the lives of these kids. - Admiral Gene LeRocque
"[T]he greatest purveyor of violence in the world today [is] my own government." - Martin Luther King, Jr.