Hallo, Hans-Christoph Steiner hat gesagt: // Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
So all of the ideas from the pd~conference are still swirling around my head and slowly distilling out. One idea which I think emerged from the conference about how Pd should ideally be structured:
- high level objects for rapid programming and beginners
- high level objects would be written in Pd so that the user can easily
get inside it
- Pd should provide a broad set of the lowest level of operators,
whether they be for audio, messages, video, etc.
One key thing for this idea to work is that objects written in Pd should behave the same as those written in C, C++, etc. Things are already headed in this direction, with such new features as help patches for abstractions, etc.
I think this idea should be broadly applied in Pd and there are already a number of examples of this. A set of toxy widget abstractions would be a great solution for GUI objects, and I think the video/graphics packages already provide low level operations, it would be good to see more high level, reusable abstractions for video/graphics.
This is exactly what RRADical is about, as you probably know. I already started to implement some pdp-rrads, but generally I hope, that the rradical patches become less my project, but a community project. I'm not so much into graphics that I would be a good person to rradicalize pdp, Gem or GridFlow.
At least the ideas already developed in rradical - which mainly are: clear communication paths for remote control (also inside patches) through OSC and centralized but modular state saving - are IMO absoluetly necessary for the two R's: Rapidity and Reusability.