On Jun 23, 2006, at 5:59 AM, zmoelnig@iem.at wrote:
Zitat von Hans-Christoph Steiner hans@eds.org:
I haven't looked at the code, but from the name it seems that ugen_getsortno() only applies to the dsp graph, not to general message objects.
You could implement your idea by having a global flag that shows you which instance has been executed first
How would that flag get reset with each DSP cycle?
by setting it to zero in the perform routine :-)
That would defeat the whole purpose since every instance would then execute the perform routine.
honestly, as günther suggest, i don't see any reason to connect [hid] with the dsp graph. this object is a message object (unless i missed [hid~]), and should stay away from signal data as far as it can.
i thought i suggested that once when you first asked for that: why don't you just get the logical time with Pd's API and compare that to the time when one of these objects was last executed? static variables within the function might be the clue...
Hmm, I tried that and there was a problem which I am now forgetting. I tried ugen_getsortno() on Miller's suggestion:
Subject: getting Pd logical time in C http://lists.puredata.info/pipermail/pd-dev/2006-06/006964.html
Miller also mentioned that logical time wouldn't work for this. But I'll try it again and get some specifics.
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