Mathieu Bouchard wrote:
On Mon, 18 Feb 2008, wrote:
Quoting Hans-Christoph Steiner
There are currently four files that NTFS rejects: /externals/zexy/abs/.<~-help.pd /externals/zexy/abs/.>~-help.pd /externals/zexy/abs/.||~-help.pd
so it's me again! i hope the "." is a typo.
I don't know what the "." is, but I certainly did not use the "." as a prefix of inv* either.
so what should we do about the "inv*-icon.png" file? i am just trying to checkout the svn under windoze and it gives me pain.
or does anybody has an idea how to avoid checking out a certain path using tortoiseSVN?
fgmasdr IOhannes