Bugs item #2905508, was opened at 2009-11-29 00:20 Message generated for change (Comment added) made by reduzent You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=478070&aid=2905508...
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread, including the initial issue submission, for this request, not just the latest update. Category: externals Group: None Status: Open Resolution: None Priority: 5 Private: No Submitted By: Roman Haefeli (reduzent) Assigned to: Martin Peach (mrpeach) Summary: mrpeach/tcpserver: stops sending after X messages
Initial Comment: After sending 380 messages to one or more clients, [tcpserver] stops sending any more messages. Though TCP is stream-oriented, the number of (pd) messages sent [tcpserver] is significant and not the number of transmitted bytes.
Attached is a patch, that illustrates the problem.
BTW: the new threaded version is ~15 times faster than the old select() based. It looks very promising.
Comment By: Roman Haefeli (reduzent)
Date: 2009-11-29 00:30
Message: Hm.. from the svn log of revision 12760: "Using pthreads to send each message to each client in its own thread." That probably explains, why it stops working after sending X times 'broadcast 97 59 10' to [tcpserver]. Do i understand right, that literally each pd message opens its own <number of clients> threads? Wouldn't it be sufficient to have one thread per socket?
You can respond by visiting: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=478070&aid=2905508...