Trying to compile devel_0_39 with simd=1 seems to be really, really troublesome with most versions of GCC I encounter.
definitely odd, ive been able to compile with simd using GCC 3.4.4, 4.0.2, 4.1.0-beta20051125
most who had the errors were using Fedora and various RedHat derivatives, right? i know one user was able to solve the errors by switching to Ubuntu...
And then, I tried using GCC 4.0.2 for a while, but encountered programs that wouldn't compile anymore and that looked like real trouble to get to compile with GCC 4.x, so I reverted to GCC 3.4, and then encountered fundamental incompatibilities in libstdc++... and I don't know how to keep libstdc++'s from conflicting, short of static linking.
gentoo does a great job of this ( i have no idea how, but it just always works and compilers and glibc upgrades dont break stuff..) to switch between gcc's you'd eselect compiler list, then set
if you convinced everyone in your building to install distccd, installs would be faster than SuSE
I'd recommend that simd=1 only enables SIMD asm code, and that a new option moresimd=1 would enable GCC options for SIMD generation, and would default to moresimd=0 until versions of GCC that people can actually use also can compile with SIMD enabled!
this sounds awfully convoluted... SCons has a TryBuild() and other methods which could recompile without the offensive SIMD code if the compiler crashed...