Hi Larry, Larry Troxler hat gesagt: // Larry Troxler wrote:
Hi everyone. I was the one that initially posted iiwu, which Frank updated, so I should probably pipe in here to see if anyone needs any help or clarification.
First I want to say, I'm sorry, that I didn't mail you about my iiwu branch, yet. But I didn't thought, that fiiwu would get so much attention so soon. I didn't even announce it on pd-announce, yet. I wrote fiiwu~, because I couldn't get the old iiwu to run anymore, probably because of some libc upgrades, that I undertook.
As I'm not that skillful in pure C-programming, I tried to rewrite in it C++ with flext, just to have an iiwusynth running here again, which worked out just fine in the end and even brought some, now fixed, bugs in flext to the light of day.
I haven't had time (as seems to be the norm) to do anything with the original version, and since Frank has updated this to use flext, does everybody agree that I should mark the original version as obsolete on my personal web page, and the pd database?
I don't think, that it would be hard to update the old iiwu to libiiwusynth-0.2.2. It *should* only require a change in the iiwu_settings struct, that should be obvious from looking at the fiiwu-code. But as said above, I couldn't, and I still can't, get C-iiwu to work here. I'm absolutely puzzled, why this is so...
So, I could maintain flext-iiwu, but I'm not sure, what would be gained by this. It's true, that flext imposes an added burden on everyone, who wants to compile a flext-external. My stance on this is obvious: I write all my externals in flext now, because of the IMO much cleaner code (compare the flext-pan~ with the External-HOWTO-pan~...)
OTOH, fiiwu~ has some more functions from the iiwusynth-API implemented, for example pitch bend, and it accepts lists without the prepended "note", something I find very nice.
But nothing of this is (or *shouldn't be*) impossible with C-iiwu.
Ironically, I myself can't yet compile flext stuff due to the Red Hat compiler confusion I think. As an aside, can anybody say if the latest redhat 7.x has a compiler that works ok with this? (I don't feel like inviting the uncertainties that would come with an 8.x upgrade)
RH 8.x comes with g++-3.2, which would be the best compiler for flext, I think. But 7.x should have g++-3.0, which is, what I was using successfully a lot on flext until three weeks ago.