Hallo, Hans-Christoph Steiner hat gesagt: // Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
There is a bunch of code in the 'externals' section of the CVS that is not maintain there (maxlib, motex, pdogg I think, etc.). So I was thinking that it would make sense to make that code read-only, then make a branch like "devel_0_37" for 'pd', maybe calling it just "devel" or whatever. But I think it would be good to have a standard branch for modification of such code.
This would make it easier to maintain code in the CVS when the creator doesn't want to maintain it in the CVS. Thoughts? Comments?
It depends. Sometimes this is one of the advantages of CVs: That someone else can quickly fix a small bug. This doesn't work for Thomas Grill's externals of course, which are overwritten every night, IIRC, but there read-only wouldn't make much sense anyways.
Of the examples you mentioned: I don't know, if maxlib for Pd is still maintained by Olaf.
In othr