On Fri, 27 Dec 2002, Frank Barknecht wrote:
I think it would be good a good new year's start to have a section describing the projects hosted on pure-data.sf.net's CVS-repository.
It would be great, if those who have stuff inside the repository could mail me a (short) description of what's inside their directories, who wrote it and so on.
I could write it myself (and I warn you, I would do it!), but it's less work for me, if you write it. ^_^
So please mail me your descriptions, I'll add them when they come in AsSoonAsPossible(tm).
Hi Frank,
Thanks a lot for stepping forward on this. I am really sorry that I wasn't around to back you up, X-mas is time without internet (well, lets say mailing lists) for me.
I think that this page is a very good idea, although it should be generated automatically, otherwise it will be very hard to maintain and constantly out of date.
For this to work out, we should agree on a convention for written documentation for externals.
Something like the reference patches that are already in place.
If we need to move the pure-data.sf.net site for that, this is not a problem at all. We can just redirect. Of course I think that the best thing would be to combine our efforts and integrate this into pure-data.org, or pddb, ...
Comments ?