Feature Requests item #1419547, was opened at 2006-01-30 21:04
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Category: puredata
Group: None
Status: Open
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: make array properties like other GUIs
Initial Comment:
I think it would be quite convenient to have separate
"name" and "receive" symbols for arrays. That way you
could specific a name with which you can send data to
that array, but that name would not have to be displayed.
Also, it would be handy to have a separate name and
receive when using $0- variables. The name would not
have to have the $0- in it, but the receive would.
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Feature Requests item #1419522, was opened at 2006-01-30 20:47
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not just the latest update.
Category: puredata
Group: None
Status: Open
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: changing slider defaults from 0-127 to 0-1
Initial Comment:
Since MIDI is fading fast as a normal way of working, I
think its time to consider changing the default range
of the sliders from the MIDI 0-127, so a more Pd-ish 0-1.
This should not affect old patches at all AFAIK since
these values are stored in the patch. It would only
affect new instances of [vslider] and [hslider].
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Bugs item #1415589, was opened at 2006-01-26 13:49
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by matju
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not just the latest update.
Category: puredata
Group: None
Status: Closed
Resolution: None
Priority: 2
Submitted By: Frank Barknecht (fbar)
Assigned to: Miller Puckette (millerpuckette)
Summary: Sending a list to [select] can leave it in an unusable state
Initial Comment:
A [select] object primed with a symbol argument will
reset itself into an unusable state by sending it a
list with at least two elements.
Attached patch illustrates this behaviour using a
[select x]-object. Sending a message [symbol x( will
normally make the left outlet generate a bang. However
sending a message [list x y( will disturb the [select
x] object, so that it will not correctly react to a
second [symbol x( message, until reset by a [symbol x(
message to its rigth inlet.
Comment By: Mathieu Bouchard (matju)
Date: 2006-01-30 17:22
Logged In: YES
there are two different classes called [select]. I don't
really know why there are two, and why the one that gets
used when there is more than one argument doesn't create any
extra inlets.
Shouldn't extra inlets be added?
Comment By: Frank Barknecht (fbar)
Date: 2006-01-30 04:40
Logged In: YES
I agree, lets just close it. But as [select] doesn't always
have two inlets, this distributing of lists for [select
something] may not be obvius to everyone.
Comment By: Mathieu Bouchard (matju)
Date: 2006-01-29 23:41
Logged In: YES
It's not a bug.
This behaviour is consistent with many Pd classes, in which
a list behaves like its $2 value goes in right inlet and
then its $1 value goes in left inlet. This could be called
"the implicit [unpack] rule", except that it's not
necessarily as type-crippled as the real [unpack] is.
By default, each object that doesn't have a listmethod
defined will have a default one that performs the implicit
[unpack], if i understand correctly.
Comment By: Frank Barknecht (fbar)
Date: 2006-01-26 15:00
Logged In: YES
I down-priorized this, as it's not a real bug, the
documentation just doesn't mention what will happen if lists
are sent to [symbol x].
I'd suggest to update the documentation to explain, that
like many objects in Pd [select] distributes lists over its
inlets as well, which has to be taken into account when
looking for unusual behaviour.
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Bugs item #1415589, was opened at 2006-01-26 19:49
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by fbar
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Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: puredata
Group: None
>Status: Closed
Resolution: None
Priority: 2
Submitted By: Frank Barknecht (fbar)
Assigned to: Miller Puckette (millerpuckette)
Summary: Sending a list to [select] can leave it in an unusable state
Initial Comment:
A [select] object primed with a symbol argument will
reset itself into an unusable state by sending it a
list with at least two elements.
Attached patch illustrates this behaviour using a
[select x]-object. Sending a message [symbol x( will
normally make the left outlet generate a bang. However
sending a message [list x y( will disturb the [select
x] object, so that it will not correctly react to a
second [symbol x( message, until reset by a [symbol x(
message to its rigth inlet.
>Comment By: Frank Barknecht (fbar)
Date: 2006-01-30 10:40
Logged In: YES
I agree, lets just close it. But as [select] doesn't always
have two inlets, this distributing of lists for [select
something] may not be obvius to everyone.
Comment By: Mathieu Bouchard (matju)
Date: 2006-01-30 05:41
Logged In: YES
It's not a bug.
This behaviour is consistent with many Pd classes, in which
a list behaves like its $2 value goes in right inlet and
then its $1 value goes in left inlet. This could be called
"the implicit [unpack] rule", except that it's not
necessarily as type-crippled as the real [unpack] is.
By default, each object that doesn't have a listmethod
defined will have a default one that performs the implicit
[unpack], if i understand correctly.
Comment By: Frank Barknecht (fbar)
Date: 2006-01-26 21:00
Logged In: YES
I down-priorized this, as it's not a real bug, the
documentation just doesn't mention what will happen if lists
are sent to [symbol x].
I'd suggest to update the documentation to explain, that
like many objects in Pd [select] distributes lists over its
inlets as well, which has to be taken into account when
looking for unusual behaviour.
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Bugs item #1415589, was opened at 2006-01-26 13:49
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by matju
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Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: puredata
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 2
Submitted By: Frank Barknecht (fbar)
Assigned to: Miller Puckette (millerpuckette)
Summary: Sending a list to [select] can leave it in an unusable state
Initial Comment:
A [select] object primed with a symbol argument will
reset itself into an unusable state by sending it a
list with at least two elements.
Attached patch illustrates this behaviour using a
[select x]-object. Sending a message [symbol x( will
normally make the left outlet generate a bang. However
sending a message [list x y( will disturb the [select
x] object, so that it will not correctly react to a
second [symbol x( message, until reset by a [symbol x(
message to its rigth inlet.
Comment By: Mathieu Bouchard (matju)
Date: 2006-01-29 23:41
Logged In: YES
It's not a bug.
This behaviour is consistent with many Pd classes, in which
a list behaves like its $2 value goes in right inlet and
then its $1 value goes in left inlet. This could be called
"the implicit [unpack] rule", except that it's not
necessarily as type-crippled as the real [unpack] is.
By default, each object that doesn't have a listmethod
defined will have a default one that performs the implicit
[unpack], if i understand correctly.
Comment By: Frank Barknecht (fbar)
Date: 2006-01-26 15:00
Logged In: YES
I down-priorized this, as it's not a real bug, the
documentation just doesn't mention what will happen if lists
are sent to [symbol x].
I'd suggest to update the documentation to explain, that
like many objects in Pd [select] distributes lists over its
inlets as well, which has to be taken into account when
looking for unusual behaviour.
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Bugs item #1416539, was opened at 2006-01-27 10:34
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by matju
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Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: [print] behaves oddly with numeric symbols
Initial Comment:
[symbol 5(
produces: "symbol"
produces: "symbol float"
See attached pd patch.
Comment By: Mathieu Bouchard (matju)
Date: 2006-01-29 23:30
Logged In: YES
a [symbol 5( does not produce a symbol atom whose contents
is "5"; instead it's a garbage message, as the special
selectors float/symbol/pointer often imply that the $1 is
of type A_FLOAT/A_SYMBOL/A_POINTER and so in various
situation the value will be replaced by a dummy value, such
as either the empty string symbol (&s_) or the "float"
symbol (&s_float).
Compare with this:
[makefilename %c]
which produces a message whose $1 is a A_SYMBOL and so
prints "symbol 5".
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Patches item #1417804, was opened at 2006-01-29 00:11
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
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including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: puredata
Group: wishlist
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Assigned to: Miller Puckette (millerpuckette)
Summary: make versions into macros for easier use
Initial Comment:
macros in m_pd.h and builds pd_version in s_main.s
using those macros.
Having all four parts of the version defined as macros
will make it much easier to use the version numbers,
like for example, a [version] object or [;pd get
version( message.
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Patches item #1415539, was opened at 2006-01-26 12:01
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by eighthave
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Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: puredata
Group: bugfix
>Status: Deleted
>Resolution: Duplicate
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Re: [ pure-data-Patches-1412210 ] fix for bug in menu_openht
Initial Comment:
In u_main.tk the procedure menu_openhtml fails on the
NT platform when pd_guidir contains both spaces and the
double dot (/..) which is currently always added for NT
when pd_guidir is constructed from e.g. "C:/Program
Files/pd/bin" as "C:/Program Files/pd/bin/.." instead
of the more straightforward "C:/Program Files/pd".
Forcing the use of short filenames is one way around
this but the attached patch just strips off the "/bin"
instead of adding "/.." to it.
This line terminates the path just before the last slash:
set pd_guidir [string range $pd_guidir 0 [expr [string
last / $pd_guidir] - 1]]
It also might be more efficient to work only with
pd_guidir, since it always gets shortened, so I took
out the temporary string pd_gui3 as well.
Martin Peach
>Comment By: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Date: 2006-01-28 22:07
Logged In: YES
I moved all the info back to the original thread and closed
this one.
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Patches item #1412210, was opened at 2006-01-22 13:26
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by eighthave
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Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 8
Submitted By: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Assigned to: Miller Puckette (millerpuckette)
Summary: fix for bug in menu_openhtml on Windows
Initial Comment:
menu_openhtml() currently does not work if there is a
space in the file/path name (i.e. "C:\Program Files\pd")
Here is a fix. In menu_openhtml() in u_main.tk, change:
exec rundll32 url.dll.FileProtocolHandler \
[format "file:%s" $filename] &
To this:
exec rundll32 url.dll.FileProtocolHandler \
[format "file:%s" [file attributes $filename
-shortname]] &
>Comment By: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Date: 2006-01-28 22:06
Logged In: YES
This is a better method of fixing this that Martin Peach
posted. (I haven't tested it yet) .hc
In u_main.tk the procedure menu_openhtml fails on the
NT platform when pd_guidir contains both spaces and the
double dot (/..) which is currently always added for NT
when pd_guidir is constructed from e.g. "C:/Program
Files/pd/bin" as "C:/Program Files/pd/bin/.." instead
of the more straightforward "C:/Program Files/pd".
Forcing the use of short filenames is one way around
this but the attached patch just strips off the "/bin"
instead of adding "/.." to it.
This line terminates the path just before the last slash:
set pd_guidir [string range $pd_guidir 0 [expr [string
last / $pd_guidir] - 1]]
It also might be more efficient to work only with
pd_guidir, since it always gets shortened, so I took
out the temporary string pd_gui3 as well.
Martin Peach
Comment By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Date: 2006-01-25 12:53
Logged In: NO
The bug seems to be happen only when the path has spaces
_and_ the double dot .. in it.
It might be better to make guidir a straight path instead.
In this part of pd.tk:
if {$pd_nt == 1} {
global pd_guidir
global pd_tearoff
set pd_gui2 [string range $argv0 0 [expr [string last \\
$argv0 ] - 1]]
regsub -all \\\\ $pd_gui2 / pd_gui3
set pd_guidir $pd_gui3/..
load $pd_guidir/bin/pdtcl.dll
set pd_tearoff 1
Change to:
if {$pd_nt == 1} {
global pd_guidir
global pd_tearoff
set pd_gui2 [string range $argv0 0 [expr [string last \\
$argv0 ] - 1]]
regsub -all \\\\ $pd_gui2 / pd_gui3
set pd_gui4 [string range $pd_gui3 0 [expr [string last
/ $pd_gui3] - 1]]
set pd_guidir $pd_gui4
load $pd_guidir/bin/pdtcl.dll
set pd_tearoff 1
This has the effect:
argv0: C:\Copy of pd_039_0_test7\pd\bin\pd.tk
pd_guidir: C:/Copy of pd_039_0_test7/pd
(instead of C:/Copy of pd_039_0_test7/pd/bin/..)
pd_gui2: C:\Copy of pd_039_0_test7\pd\bin
pd_gui3: C:/Copy of pd_039_0_test7/pd/bin
menu_openhtml filename: C:/Copy of
(Lines are too short on this comment box:( )
Comment By: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Date: 2006-01-22 13:27
Logged In: YES
oops, "-shortname]] &" should be on the same line as the
line above.
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Patches item #1417751, was opened at 2006-01-28 21:56
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by Item Submitter
You can respond by visiting:
Please note that this message will contain a full copy of the comment thread,
including the initial issue submission, for this request,
not just the latest update.
Category: puredata
Group: bugfix
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 8
Submitted By: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Assigned to: Miller Puckette (millerpuckette)
Summary: make ../bin before compiling
Initial Comment:
Simple makefile.in patch to prevent the bimonthly post
about ../bin being missing when compiling Pd:
cd ../obj; cc -Wl,-export-dynamic -lasound -o
../bin/pd g_canvas.o g_graph.o g_text.o g_rtext.o
g_array.o g_template.o g_io.o g_scalar.o g_traversal.o
g_guiconnect.o g_readwrite.o g_editor.o g_all_guis.o
g_bang.o g_hdial.o g_hslider.o g_mycanvas.o g_numbox.o
g_toggle.o g_vdial.o g_vslider.o g_vumeter.o m_pd.o
m_class.o m_obj.o m_atom.o m_memory.o m_binbuf.o
m_conf.o m_glob.o m_sched.o s_main.o s_inter.o s_file.o
s_print.o s_loader.o s_path.o s_entry.o s_audio.o
s_midi.o d_ugen.o d_ctl.o d_arithmetic.o d_osc.o
d_filter.o d_dac.o d_misc.o d_math.o d_fft.o
d_mayer_fft.o d_fftroutine.o d_array.o d_global.o
d_delay.o d_resample.o x_arithmetic.o x_connective.o
x_interface.o x_midi.o x_misc.o x_time.o x_acoustics.o
x_net.o x_qlist.o x_gui.o x_list.o d_soundfile.o
s_midi_oss.o s_audio_oss.o s_audio_alsa.o
s_audio_alsamm.o s_midi_alsa.o \
-ldl -lm -lpthread -lasound
/usr/bin/ld: cannot open output file ../bin/pd: No such
file or directory
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [../bin/pd] Error 1
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