I'm new to Pd, and I'm trying to write an external and thanks to johannes' HOWTO, the process hasn't been so painful. However, I haven't found how to solve this problem (I tried to look the source code of the pipe object that does something alike, but I couldn't understand... maybe too tired right now):
I receive for one inlet a list and perform some computation with the data until a new message (or a bang to the leftmost inlet) arrives or the execution reach a time limit defined by the user as a parameter of the object. The method that do the computation should put whatever value it got to one outlet, and start doing again the computation with the new data. I don't know how to interrupt it whenever it's required. I tried to put the computation inside a loop that checks the value of a member variable, but it never did it and I finished rebooting the machine.
In java I could put a listener, but in c I just don't have any clue how to do it and any light will be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Julian Villegas
University of Aizu
Synthetic Worlds Laboratory
Aizu - Wakamatsu Fukushima
Japan 965 - 8580
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