tim wrote:
> I tried this script with some adjustments.
> terminal said:
> sh: line 1: /Applications/Wish.app/Contents/MacOS/Wish: No such file or
> directory
> After downloading and installing tcl-tk ('batteries included' version)
recently i ran into the same problem.
i noticed, that on OSX pd is looking into several places for the "Wish"
on my (rather plain) OSX-10.4.7 there is no
"/Applications/Wish.app/Contents/MacOS/Wish"; however, i DO have a
"/usr/bin/wish"; adding this to the searched wishes, makes pd run (at
least; i have no comparision whether it is good or bad or what)
probably it would be good to add a "--wish" flag to pd's startup-flags,
where you could define your own personal wish.