Sergi Lario Loyo, was born in Badalona on January the tenth of 1980.
Badalona is a city closed to Barcelona. Is known thanks to it's beaches,
the music school and a great basketball team.
Since i was a child my prefered hobbies were play soccer and draw.
A Sinclair 48k ZX Spectrum Computer was the first PC i saw at home. The
owners were my brothers that had eleven and seven-teen years old more
than me. I used to play a lot and even i developed a "plot" or "circle".
Afterwards, while my brothers were using a x286, a Sinclair ZX Spectrum
+2 arrived for me.
When i was 14 i used to use a x486 for text writing, but i wasn't aware
yet about the big potential for informatic development.
Four years later, without being sure about what to study i decided to
start Maths in the University of Barcelona. I spent i couple of years
without before i left, but there i learnt math's abstractions and
programming basics, that was worth it!
When i was 21 i began to study a lite official degree in Informatic
Applications in the Institut B-VII de Badalona.
The first 2 years i began to study Software Engineering, Programming
languages such as Pascal, Java or C. Data Bases, Data Structures,
Networks and Operating Systems.
In my program there was an obligatory subject where we had to do some
practices in the real world, so i started to work in Iquadrat, an
informatic company.
To complet my studies i decided then to come back to my old faculty, but
this time to study Technical Engineering in Informatic Systems (ETIS).
Since 2005 till now i have been contributing actively to some workshops
held in Hangar, centre for audiovisual production, and for Telenoika,
an Audiovisual community from Barcelona.
This year (2007) i finally finished my studies handing in a project called
"GNU/Linux Videojockey's tools - Imagegrid for PureData".
Nowadays i keep on working in Iquadrat mostly developing integral
solution for the internet. Basicaly my work is analyse and develop
applications for dynamic websites using PHP, JSP, ASP, DataBases
Managers MySQL, $Acces and M$SQLServer. I also code some HTML and CSS
following accessibility standars.
Every thursday i take part in a development group of PureData in Hangar
directed by LluÃs Gòmez i Bigordà .
Nice to meet you,