Right now, Pd-extended is loading a lot of libraries by default. Most
people never used most of those libraries, so I think it makes sense
to reduce that number to move towards the goal of having the library
loading embedded in the patch itself.
So the question now is, which libraries should stay in for now, to
ease the transition? Here's the current list in the order they are
Gem cyclone zexy creb cxc iemlib list-abs mapping markex maxlib
memento mjlib motex oscx pddp pdogg pixeltango pmpd rradical sigpack
smlib toxy unauthorized vbap pan freeverb hcs jmmmp ext13 ggee
iem_anything flib ekext flatspace pdp pidip
I think it should be something like:
cyclone zexy creb iemlib ggee iem_anything flatspace
Or does it even make sense to do it in stages?
"[T]he greatest purveyor of violence in the world today [is] my own
government." - Martin Luther King, Jr.