Patches item #3424988, was opened at 2011-10-17 13:35
Message generated for change (Comment added) made by nobody
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Category: puredata
Group: bugfix
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 7
Private: No
Submitted By: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Assigned to: Miller Puckette (millerpuckette)
Summary: add proper quoting of filenames to GUI prefs
Initial Comment:
On Mac OS X, then GUI prefs system was not handling quoting of filenames at all. The first patch adds proper quoting, then the second patch brings pd_guiprefs.tcl inline with the coding style of the rest of the Pd GUI code (using namespaces, the 'else' keyword, etc).
Comment By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Date: 2012-05-18 02:59
qOcsWV <a href="">uqrthntgwctz</a>,
Comment By: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Date: 2011-11-04 21:45
updated with a quoting bug fix
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Bugs item #3526671, was opened at 2012-05-14 12:02
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by drumanart1
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Category: externals
Group: None
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Martin Hug (drumanart1)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: ann library not recognized
Initial Comment:
I'm plan to use the ann "Neural Network" on my linux (Ubuntu onerirc).
The first thing is that I couldn't find the ann library in the pd-extended extra folder.
So I downloaded "ann" from
and I copied the unpacket folder to /usr/lib/pd-extended/extra
Then I downloaded FANN-1.2.0-and compiled it with:
sudo make install
the library installed without showing any error.
then I went to:
/usr/lib/pd-extended/extra/ann/src and removed -march=pentium3 from the makefile.
then I did:
make -f makefile.linux ann
Everything seemed to be fine, but pd want recognize the "ann_mlp" object.
Any suggsestion?
Thanks Martin
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Bugs item #3526086, was opened at 2012-05-12 07:42
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by jmmmp
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Category: pd-extended
Group: v0.43
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: João Pais (jmmmp)
Assigned to: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Summary: gui report of 0.43 (w7)
Initial Comment:
just trying out pd-ext-0.43 on Windows 7, some small details that can get better:
- when caps lock is on, the key shortcuts don't work (open, save, edit,...)
- in the help browser, it would help if pressing a key would take it to the next file beginning with that letter: e.g. l goes to liner, etc.,
- is it possible to change the distance of the objects in the autopatcher without recompiling Pd?
- the autotips are in a very small font.
- the canvas properties window doesn't appear in focus
- in the message window, it would be helpful if the history would appear as a drop-down list (although not too many people use this ressource?)
- the problem with the superfluous sliders in patches with objects near the border is still there.
There was something else, but I can't find it anymore.
Great work,
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Feature Requests item #3525910, was opened at 2012-05-11 10:32
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by jancsika1
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Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Jonathan Wilkes (jancsika1)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: Load patches as libs like _float_array does
Initial Comment:
Example of problem:
For me, [struct foo] is analogous to foo_class in an external-- that is, when you instantiate an object that is an external, it doesn't have to generate and compile new source code with 1001foo_class in it. Rather it just allocates memory for all the stuff that class needs, and deallocates when you remove that object. That corresponds to creating/deleting a scalar on a canvas.
So instead of [struct $0-foo], which is ugly and a hack, you should be able to do this:
1. Put [import bar] in your abstraction or whatever
2. In directory "bar" have bar_setup.pd, which contains [struct foo]
3. Pd searches its loaded libs to see if library "bar" has been loading; if it hasn't, it loads the patch bar_setup.pd without giving it a tk window (so that exactly one instance of [struct foo] exists now
4. You're abstraction loads and is able to instantiate scalar foo regardless of $0
5. For loading additional abstractions that use scalar "foo" go to step #1 and it should work.
Of course this runs into the same problems with namespace clashes as externals do, but probably has the same solutions, too. This would also work for libs of abstractions that want to share a common [v] or a [table]
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Patches item #3432009, was opened at 2011-11-01 11:57
Message generated for change (Settings changed) made by eighthave
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not just the latest update.
Category: externals
Group: bugfix
>Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Ricardo Fabbri (ricardofabbri)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: fix pdp link error regarding gsl
Initial Comment:
My pdp was giving link errors related to cblas/gsl symbols upon loading onto pd-extended.
I decided not to commit this one-line fix directly, but to get your opinion first. If you say yes, I can just go ahead and commit.
Comment By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Date: 2012-05-09 09:47
B6ExHm <a href="">dlkjlnmmbkdi</a>,
Comment By: Ricardo Fabbri (ricardofabbri)
Date: 2011-11-02 05:34
I decided to commit a fix, including an 'if' statement - if Linux, use the
fix with pkg-config; if Darwin, keep it as it was before (i.e., we don't
mess with pkd-config until someone complains about this)
Comment By: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Date: 2011-11-01 12:35
I'm fine with using pkg-config as long as its supported on all relevant
platforms. Windows is not an issue with PDP since PDP doesn't run on
Windows. And on Mac OS X 10.6 with Fink, that pkg-config line gives me:
hans@dhcp-10 ~ $ pkg-config --libs gsl
-L/sw/lib -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm
Lorenzo Sutton recently started as the maintainer for PDP, so we should run
this by him too, perhaps on pd-dev. As far as I'm concerned, I'm good with
you committing to PDP directly.
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Bugs item #3525834, was opened at 2012-05-11 06:49
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by ailo-at
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Category: externals
Group: v0.43
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: ailo (ailo-at)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: msgfile read adds extra empty line - flush fails
Initial Comment:
After reading a file created with [msgfile], an empty line is created at the end (use "print" to see it). Additions can be made after that line with the "add" command, but flush will not output anything beyond the empty line, while "print" will show that lines in deed have been added.
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Bugs item #3525649, was opened at 2012-05-10 14:27
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by boonier
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Category: pd-extended
Group: v0.43
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: boonier (boonier)
Assigned to: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Summary: Audio I/O error
Initial Comment:
Notice that this displays in the post window when connecting/disconnecting and using the magic glass tool
often accompanied by small click in audio
osx 10.6.8/ intel
jack osx/edirol fa101/builtin sound
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Bugs item #3525647, was opened at 2012-05-10 14:17
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by boonier
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not just the latest update.
Category: pd-extended
Group: v0.43
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: boonier (boonier)
Assigned to: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Summary: portaudio driver sound breakup
Initial Comment:
I've noted before that portaudio uses more cpu in osx, it also appears to not work at all on this kit. Only a regular dusty crackling sound is emitted. Sounds like clocking issues with my edirol fa101 soundcard.
I'm using Jack for audio driver anyway as its more efficient
osx 10.6.8/ intel
edirol fa101
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Bugs item #3525646, was opened at 2012-05-10 14:11
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by boonier
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not just the latest update.
Category: pd-extended
Group: v0.43
Status: Open
Resolution: None
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: boonier (boonier)
Assigned to: Hans-Christoph Steiner (eighthave)
Summary: Right-click menu causes CPU spike
Initial Comment:
Quite often right clicking on an object (abstraction or external) cause Pd to hang for a few seconds and nothing is clickable. Checking Task manager shows Pd hitting upper 90%
osx 10.6.8/ intel
jack osx/edirol fa101/builtin sound
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Feature Requests item #3525630, was opened at 2012-05-10 13:56
Message generated for change (Tracker Item Submitted) made by nobody
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Category: None
Group: None
Status: Open
Priority: 5
Private: No
Submitted By: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Assigned to: Nobody/Anonymous (nobody)
Summary: polish a finished patch, make it run faster
Initial Comment:
just a vague glance into the far future...
Can/ will it generally be possible to kind of "fixate" or "polish" a finished patch/ abstraction in order to make it run faster??
In comparison to other (audio)-programming languages pd can be rather slow, I guess that's why there are many externals for things that can be made in pure data itself. I don't know why, but I think the reason must be related to Pds realtime-on-the-fly abilities, is that correct?
Anyways to overcome this, could it be possible in the future to "externalify" or "whatever-ify" the final abstraction resulting in some speed-improvements??
Thanks in advance and bye
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