Hash: SHA256
as announced on pd-announce/pd-list, we have migrated puredata.info to
a new host.
while doing so, we upgraded all software to newer versions, including
openssl (the old one was so old, that it didn't even expose the
heartbleed bug) and openssh.
this is important for all those running auto-builds and who do uplaods
to autobuild.puredata.info/apt.puredata.info via ssh/rsync, as the SSH
host keys have been re-created (and thus changed).
this is the new RSA key fingerprint for puredata.info:
yours never-tiring,
- --
IEM - network operation center
Version: GnuPG v1
Comment: Using GnuPG with Icedove - http://www.enigmail.net/
** [feature-requests:#137] Create sub patches from selected objects**
**Status:** open
**Group:** Next Release (example)
**Created:** Mon May 05, 2014 10:11 PM UTC by hellocatfood
**Last Updated:** Mon May 05, 2014 10:11 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
Can a method be added to make selected objects into a sub patch that automatically adds [inlets] and [outlets] and retains all cord connections?
Sent from sourceforge.net because pd-dev(a)lists.iem.at is subscribed to https://sourceforge.net/p/pure-data/feature-requests/
To unsubscribe from further messages, a project admin can change settings at https://sourceforge.net/p/pure-data/admin/feature-requests/options. Or, if this is a mailing list, you can unsubscribe from the mailing list.
What is the current status of the Master server of the Auto-build farm?
Recently I tried to contact the server at, to get an up to
date source tree, but got no reply.
Fred Jan
On 04/28/2014 10:25 AM, zs(a)sympatico.ca wrote:
> HI Jonathan - Yes, that would be me ( / "ours"). Happy to take the
> VBAP appointment. OI have a small update to commit (starting with an
> updated Makefile).
> Now to see about getting some permissions ?
Someone with sourceforge permissions needs to give them to you.
Out of the five maintainers listed on Sourceforge-- eighthave, fbar,
ggeiger, millerpuckette, zmoelnig-- I think only 3 are active--
eighthave, millerpuckette, zmoelnig-- and I have a sneaking suspicion
Miller doesn't know how to grant you permission on Sourceforge.
So that leaves eighthave or zmoelnig. Those are the two developers I
referred to with "Hans? IOhannes?" and they evidently haven't responded
to your inquiry.
It's quite possible they haven't responded because there's been a "lazy
consensus" model of giving access to new developers. Here's how it works:
1) You ask for access
2) Somebody responds telling you that if nobody objects in an
unspecified amount of time you'll be granted access
3) Nobody responds for an unspecified period of time
4) You wait, wondering whether you really want to devote your time to a
project that can't even welcome new developers without being
passive-aggressive about it. If you do, you send yet another request.
So, due to my explanation, I guess we're at step 2.
In the meantime if you want you can post a diff here. If nobody ever
responds to you then at the very least we can patch Pd-l2ork's vbap to
reflect your changes (though it's probably easier if someone gives you
access and you can do it here).
> thanks
> Zack
> On 2014-04-16, at 12:01 AM, Jonathan Wilkes <jancsika(a)yahoo.com
> <mailto:jancsika@yahoo.com>> wrote:
>> Are you Zack of "Cort&Zack's Secret"
>> doc/3.audio.examples/I06.timbre.stamp.pd?
>> Anyway, it looks like there hasn't been a commit to VBAP since 2012.
>> If you'd like to be the VBAP maintainer, then I hereby anoint you
>> VBAP maintainer. (If not then I don't.)
>> Now someone with permissions just needs to grant you svn access.
>> Hans? IOhannes?
>> -Jonathan
>> On Tuesday, April 15, 2014 11:08 PM, Zack Settel <zkfax(a)sympatico.ca
>> <mailto:zkfax@sympatico.ca>> wrote:
>> *
>> *
>> I'd like to help maintain Vbap.
>> 1.
>> a bit about yourself
>> Musician
>> Development: Worked with Miller P. for years at IRCSAM (Max,FTS)
>> and since at University of Montreal and at the SAT
>> 2.
>> your history with Pd
>> Have used it since the beginning.
>> 3.
>> what you use Pd for
>> audio / music / 3D audio
>> 4.
>> your source forge name
>> zacksettel
>> _______________________________________________
>> Pd-dev mailing list
>> Pd-dev(a)iem.at <x-msg://48/>
>> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-dev <x-msg://48/>
** [bugs:#1143] Multiple Midi Devices Get Confused**
**Status:** open
**Group:** v0.43
**Labels:** Midi Device Names
**Created:** Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:50 AM UTC by Anonymous
**Last Updated:** Tue Apr 29, 2014 10:50 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
Pd version 0.43.4-extended
Mac OS X 10.7.2/Intel (also happens on Mac OSX 10.5.5/Intel)
Built-in sound
Hi all,
Thanks for a brilliant piece of software, please can I raise an issue which is a problem especially gigging...
When using multiple midi devices, if there is any change to the midi devices available (e.g. I sometimes use a pedalboard depending on situation), this confuses which device is assigned to which input/output in PureData, even using completely different midi devices - I understand that PureData uses id numbers for each available device/port, which can change, rather than the names of the devices which do not.
Therefore, please can this be change to use midi device names, so the PureData input/outputs settings stay the same, even if a device is offline/unavailable? This would mean one can use multiple midi devices with confidence (and make use of more than 16 channels output!)
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** [bugs:#1142] pow error with negative numbers**
**Status:** open
**Group:** v0.43
**Created:** Fri Apr 25, 2014 07:16 AM UTC by Anonymous
**Last Updated:** Fri Apr 25, 2014 07:16 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
Whereas [pow] works fine with positive numbers, I found that a simple patch like:
[pow 2]
produces a wrong output (0).
Sent from sourceforge.net because pd-dev(a)lists.iem.at is subscribed to http://sourceforge.net/p/pure-data/bugs/
To unsubscribe from further messages, a project admin can change settings at http://sourceforge.net/p/pure-data/admin/bugs/options. Or, if this is a mailing list, you can unsubscribe from the mailing list.
I found and fixed a bug in oggread~ that is windows specific. The fix is a
one liner in oggread~.c (details in previous thread).
I thought the central place for externals code was the SVN "community
repo"at [1] but the comments below confuse me.
Can someone please confirm which one is the correct place to submit a patch?
Thanks! :)
[1] http://sourceforge.net/p/pure-data/svn/HEAD/tree/trunk/
On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 10:48 PM, Simon Wise <simonzwise(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> On 05/04/14 14:21, Martin Peach wrote:
>> I think it's here:
>> http://sourceforge.net/p/pure-data/patches/
> that seems to be for pd rather than externals???
> maybe a patch to debian package pd-pdogg, which could then get upstream,
> since for some (especially older) externals this may be the most actively
> maintained repo? I don't know about [oggread~] in particular though ... but
> is this problem/patch only a windows one?
> Simon
> _______________________________________________
> Pd-list(a)iem.at mailing list
> UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/
> listinfo/pd-list
Rafael Vega
I'd like to help maintain Vbap.
a bit about yourself
Development: Worked with Miller P. for years at IRCSAM (Max,FTS) and since at University of Montreal and at the SAT
your history with Pd
Have used it since the beginning.
what you use Pd for
audio / music / 3D audio
your source forge name
Even more stuff ;)
In the same file, oggread~.c there is a line that reads:
if((x->x_file = sys_fopen(filename->s_name, "r")) < 0)
But it should be:
if((x->x_file = sys_fopen(filename->s_name, "rb")) <= 0)
Now, to figure out how to submit a patch to pd-extended :P
On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 7:22 PM, Rafael Vega <email.rafa(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Follow up:
> Looking at the code for oggread~, I found that it does the actual opening
> of the file with
> if(ov_open(x->x_file, &x->x_ov, NULL, -1) < 0)
> on the ov_open documentation it warns windows programmers not to use
> ov_open but ov_open_callbacks instead [1] and [2] so I changed that line to
> the following and I'm getting the message "Bitstream does not contain any
> Vorbis data". I'm pretty sure my file is a valid ogg file. I created it
> using audacity and also tried with an ogg file downloaded from
> freesound.org.
> Any help with this will be very much appreciated
> :)
> int ret = ov_open_callbacks(x->x_file, &x->x_ov, NULL, -1,
> switch(ret){
> case OV_EREAD:
> post("A read from media returned an error.");
> break;
> post("Bitstream does not contain any Vorbis data");
> break;
> post("OV_EVERSION - Vorbis version mismatch.");
> break;
> post("Invalid Vorbis bitstream header.");
> break;
> case OV_EFAULT:
> post("Internal logic fault; indicates a bug or heap/stack
> corruption.");
> break;
> }
> if(ret <0)
> links:
> [1] http://xiph.org/vorbis/doc/vorbisfile/ov_open_callbacks.html
> [2] http://xiph.org/vorbis/doc/vorbisfile/ov_open.html
> On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 5:48 PM, Rafael Vega <email.rafa(a)gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I am trying to use [oggread~] external on an application i'm developing
>> with libpd. No problems on mac or linux. Howerver, on windows (xp and 8,
>> 32bit) I keep getting an error message from oggread~ when I try to open an
>> ogg file. Even ogg_read~-help.pd won't work:
>> oggread~: file "C:/Users/rv/any.ogg" opened
>> oggread~: error: could not open "C:/Users/rv/Desktop/any.ogg" as an
>> OggVorbis file
>> oggread~: file closed due to error
>> I have tried pd-extended (both installer and standalone) and I also
>> compiled oggread~ into my application and loaded it with libpd, same
>> outcome.
>> The weirdest part is that if I run pd vanilla, copy oggread~.dll from
>> pd-extended into the "extra" directory, the ogg files are opened correctly.
>> Any ideas on how to make this work? What kind of debug info can I provide?
>> --
>> Rafael Vega
>> email.rafa(a)gmail.com
> --
> Rafael Vega
> email.rafa(a)gmail.com
Rafael Vega
** [bugs:#1141] PD starts with black background**
**Status:** open
**Group:** v0.43
**Created:** Fri Apr 04, 2014 09:11 PM UTC by Anonymous
**Last Updated:** Fri Apr 04, 2014 09:11 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
Pd version 0.43.2 (vanilla, installed from Debian repos)
Debian Wheezy 64-bit (linux kernel 3.12-0.bpo.1-amd64)
Intel Haswell CPU
Pd starts with black background. Objects are also black and therefore invisible
unless highlighted, making pd unusable. The same problem occurs on a completely
different machine with the same version of Debian. The black background is both
on the parent window and the patch windows.
Sent from sourceforge.net because pd-dev(a)lists.iem.at is subscribed to http://sourceforge.net/p/pure-data/bugs/
To unsubscribe from further messages, a project admin can change settings at http://sourceforge.net/p/pure-data/admin/bugs/options. Or, if this is a mailing list, you can unsubscribe from the mailing list.