** [bugs:#1176] pmenu may eat 100% cpu (OSX)**
**Status:** open
**Group:** v0.43
**Labels:** external tof pmenu
**Created:** Wed Dec 03, 2014 07:54 PM UTC by Anonymous
**Last Updated:** Wed Dec 03, 2014 07:54 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
pmenu works perfectly first time it displays the menu. Next times it displays the menu, the object eats 100% cpu.
Deleting object and re-create it make it work again.
Pd version 0.43.4-extended
Mac OS X 10.9.5
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** [bugs:#1175] Missing library/file on load?**
**Status:** open
**Group:** v0.46
**Created:** Tue Nov 25, 2014 07:23 PM UTC by Anonymous
**Last Updated:** Tue Nov 25, 2014 07:23 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
Pd version 0.43.4-extended
Mac OS X 10.10.1/Intel
built-in sound
I get the following message every time I open Pd:
/Applications/PureData/Pd-extended.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts/../extra/pdp/pdp.pd_darwin: dlopen(/Applications/PureData/Pd-extended.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts/../extra/pdp/pdp.pd_darwin, 10): Library not loaded: /usr/X11/lib/libX11.6.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/PureData/Pd-extended.app/Contents/Resources/extra/pdp/pdp.pd_darwin
Reason: image not found
pdp: can't load library
expr, expr~, fexpr~ version 0.4 under GNU General Public License
Pd Version: 0.43.4-extended
Tcl Version: 8.5.11
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That’s not a huge deal. I imagine it just involves updating the make files to use TK 8.5 and build as 64 bit, which in fact has been included with OSX for some time now.
Dan Wilcox
danomatika.com <http://danomatika.com/>
robotcowboy.com <http://robotcowboy.com/>
> On Nov 21, 2014, at 6:00 AM, pd-dev-request(a)lists.iem.at wrote:
> From: "me.grimm" <megrimm(a)gmail.com <mailto:megrimm@gmail.com>>
> Cc: "pd-dev(a)iem.at <mailto:pd-dev@iem.at>" <pd-dev(a)iem.at <mailto:pd-dev@iem.at>>
> To: Dan Wilcox <danomatika(a)gmail.com <mailto:danomatika@gmail.com>>
> Date: November 20, 2014 at 9:54:45 AM EST
> Subject: Re: [PD-dev] tk 8.5 on Mac OSX & retina screens
> hey i just noticed in osx Activity Monitor when running Millers Pd-0.46-2-64bit that pd-core runs at 64bit and (im assuming) pd-gui runs at 32bit. I am imaging this is because Millers is Tk 8.4 (32bit) while your retina disto is Tk 8.5 (64bit) meaning millers 64bit build only runs half in 64bit but yours runs in full 64....
> i don't even know if that makes much of a difference to most but I thought i would point that out. i noticed this when i tried to load the tkdnd package (64bit) from a gui plugin and got a wrong architecture warning.... meaning is if a plugin depends on a tk package that package would need to be built 32bit or universal to be used with millers 64bit mac builds....
> m
I was able to get 0.46-0 working with retina resolution on OSX. It's pretty easy.
* replace Contents/MacOS/Pd with Tk 8.5 Wish.app binary: /System/Library/Frameworks/Tk.framework/Versions/8.5/Resources/Wish.app/Contents/MacOS/Wish
* add the following to Contents/Info.plist:
* change package require Tcl version to 8.5 in Contents/Resources/tcl/pd-gui.tcl
Looking at the app bundle build script, it would only involve updating the wish-shell.tgz with the new Wish.app and renaming all instances of "Wish Shell" to "Wish" as I found "Wish Shell.app" is now a static link to "Wish.app".
The only problem I noticed is that the font at size 10 or less is so thin that it becomes illegible. I think simply bolding it on retina screens would work.
I wasn't able to find a way in tk to get the screen dpi, so maybe using the max screen size would work:
wm maxsize
If the width and height are greater than, say 2000 & 1500 then bold the small fonts? It's kind of dumb but might work.
Dan Wilcox
** [bugs:#1174] The application pd-extended has closed unexpectedly**
**Status:** open
**Group:** v0.46
**Created:** Wed Nov 19, 2014 08:21 PM UTC by Amir Teymuri
**Last Updated:** Wed Nov 19, 2014 08:21 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
It has happend for the last 3 days (since installing ubuntu 12.04 LTS and pd-extended) every now and then. It closes all the pd windows and then appears above message:The application pd-extended has closed unexpectedly.
As i try to open pd-extended via terminal, it opens the pd-terminal and it says in the ubuntu-terminal:
"oops: ALSA cards not reported in order?
oops: ALSA cards not reported in order?
open: /etc/pd/gem.conf: No such file or directory
open: /home/amir/.pd/gem.conf: No such file or directory
open: ./gem.conf: No such file or directory
Segmentation fault (core dumped)"
Does anybody have an idee why this happens and how to fix it?
[Pd-extended 0.43.4 for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
Processor:Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU P8600 @ 2.40GHz × 2
OS type:32-bit]
Thanks in advance
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** [bugs:#1173] symbolbox has limited size**
**Status:** open
**Group:** v0.46
**Labels:** symbolbox
**Created:** Sat Nov 15, 2014 07:58 PM UTC by IOhannes m zmölnig
**Last Updated:** Sat Nov 15, 2014 07:58 PM UTC
**Owner:** Miller Puckette
symbolbox only accepts 38 characters.
this is particularily annoying, as you cannot properly edit the contents of a symbolbox (as in copy/paste, move around to add/delete parts).
so typing e.g. a longish filename (trying to get it right) only to discover that the last 3 characters are swallowed by the gatom is frustrating.
please make the symbolbox of unbound length (like msgboxes).
ideally (and additionally), allow to amend text in symbolboxes.
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** [bugs:#1172] Makefile: recipe for target 'install' failed**
**Status:** open
**Group:** v0.46
**Labels:** Makefile
**Created:** Sat Nov 15, 2014 12:22 PM UTC by kubriel
**Last Updated:** Sat Nov 15, 2014 12:22 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
this is bothering me a little for a few weeks on my fresh Arch Linux 64, when compiling pd after git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/pure-data/pure-data
./configure --prefix=/usr/local \
--enable-alsa \
--enable-jack \
--enable-fftw \
make runs ok,
but make install result is error:
Makefile:865: recipe for target 'install-nobase_dist_libpdDATA' failed
make[3]: *** [install-nobase_dist_libpdDATA] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory '/home/kubriel/Downloads/AUR/pd-git/src/pure-data'
Makefile:1220: recipe for target 'install-am' failed
make[2]: *** [install-am] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory '/home/kubriel/Downloads/AUR/pd-git/src/pure-data'
Makefile:917: recipe for target 'install-recursive' failed
make[1]: *** [install-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/kubriel/Downloads/AUR/pd-git/src/pure-data'
Makefile:1214: recipe for target 'install' failed
make: *** [install] Error 2
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** [bugs:#1171] Pd dont save recent files when restarting**
**Status:** open
**Group:** v0.43
**Created:** Tue Nov 11, 2014 05:27 PM UTC by Anonymous
**Last Updated:** Tue Nov 11, 2014 05:27 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
Pd 0.43 vanilla
Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (64-bit)/ Intel Core 2 DUO
Built-in sound
My Pd dont remember the files I opened in Recent Files when I restart Pd.
I've tried to install a plugin by Yvan Volochine but got errors, and in contact
with Yvan he tells me the recentfiles-plugin code has been added to pd-vanilla >= 0.43. So I un-installed plugin but no difference.
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** [bugs:#1170] helpbrowser does not open**
**Status:** open
**Group:** v0.46
**Labels:** helpbrowser
**Created:** Mon Nov 10, 2014 08:11 PM UTC by Anonymous
**Last Updated:** Mon Nov 10, 2014 08:11 PM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
Pd version 0.43.4-extended
Windows 7
couldn't read directory "C:/Users/jindo/Application Data/*": permission denied
couldn't read directory "C:/Users/jindo/Application Data/*": permission denied
while executing
"glob -nocomplain -type d -path $dir "*""
(procedure "build_references" line 15)
invoked from within
(procedure "::helpbrowser::open_helpbrowser" line 19)
invoked from within
(procedure "menu_helpbrowser" line 2)
invoked from within
(menu invoke)
regards, jindo
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** [feature-requests:#141] Advanced Code-Comment/Documentation Posibilities**
**Status:** open
**Group:** Next Release (example)
**Labels:** Comment Documentation
**Created:** Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:41 AM UTC by Anonymous
**Last Updated:** Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:41 AM UTC
**Owner:** nobody
what I really miss in PD is the opportunity for proper code-comments and code-documentation.
At this point it would be very useful, to write a comment-tag for every object.
(Like it's implemented for number-objects).
At the moment, I have to place an extra comment-object beside a message-object to comment their behavior. Thats pretty circuitous, because if I want to move the message-object, I also have to move the separate comment.
Furthermore it would be pretty cool, if one could change the color of each object.
(Like it's implemented for switches).
With this option it would be possible to mark coherent or very important parts of the code in different colors.
Another big enhancement for clarity would be the opportunity to format comments.
For example to change the comment color, or to format comments bold or underlined.
At the moment I have to position the comment and a copy of itself stacked, to achieve a pseudo bold effect. But that's pretty laborious.
I would be very happy, if some of the features could be implemented in PD.
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