> what _is_ the array? Is it a patch? A canvas? A file? When you use a
dictionary, the name of the key is helpful in clearing this up.
Well ... this just cosmetics ... I think the array is very flexible, in
that you can just stuff objects in there. And, there will be arrays
anyways. What you suggested is actually not possible :
"elements" : {
"obj" : {"id" : 0, "type": "osc~", "args": [440]},
"obj" : {"id" : 1, "type": "dac~"},
"connect" : {"from": [0, 0], "to": [1, 0]},
"connect" : {"from": [0, 0], "to": [1, 1]}
In a map, keys need to be unique. So, you would need to write :
"elements" : {
"obj" : [
{"id" : 0, "type": "osc~", "args": [440]},
{"id" : 1, "type": "dac~"},
"connect" : [
{"from": [0, 0], "to": [1, 0]},
{"from": [0, 0], "to": [1, 1]}
Which imo, is not much better than :
{"class": "object", "id" : 0, "type": "osc~", "args": [440]},
{"class": "object", "id" : 1, "type": "dac~"},
{"class": "connect", "from": [0, 0], "to": [1, 0]},
{"class": "canvas", ...},
in that there is less nesting, it is thus a bit simpler... but I guess
that's a detail.
> It can also simplify parsing order
That's true ...
> I think [GUI info] deserves a classification higher than 'extra info'. A formal extension of the format, so to speak, since the majority of use cases involving a pd patch will require a visual layout.
That's a very good point, ... it's a good idea to specify GUI infos,
for better interoperability, but it should be explicitly said that
this is optional information, and parsers must handle the case when
those are missing.
@Jonathan : Yes, backward compatibility is mandatory, in that the new
format must be a subset of the old format - I mean, "semantical"
subset : it must be able to contain all the infos contained in old
file format
And we suggested to write a converter to help this.