I would have sent this to the debian PD maintainer, but it appears the
package is orphaned right now.
If you the attached puredata.xml file into /usr/share/mime/packages/ and
then run 'sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime/packages' programs
like rox-filer and nautilus will recognize the application/x-puredata
mimetype, allowing the association of the files for point and click opening.
I joined the list in order to forward this info, so please pardon me if
this has already come up before. Is this something that would be good to
include as an optional installable part of pd for those who use this
mime update method?
Also, I have embedded the expat xml parsing library into a pd external
in order to import objects from svg documents edited in inkscape into pd
structs, what would be the best way to share this with others once I get
my code cleaned up enough for distribution? (so far, between the
external and a pd patch I can import three sided shapes accurately,
accounting for scale / translate / shear / rotation data).