thanks yves!,
i do the make clean before, as i explain in the last mail, but it don't
delete all things as needed, so rm -rf pure data/ and collect again from the
svn, make the modifications to the package/linux_make/Makefile (OPT_CFLAGS
+= -march=nocona -m64 -fPIC and the externals/pdp/opengl/Makefile.config
(the same adition) and it works!
so... .../usr/local/sbin/make a_joint type: big_one :) (i need to find
how to load the necesary externals, later)
thanks to everybody
2008/11/18 yves degoyon <ydegoyon(a)>
> ola,
>> i mean: i'm using -fPIC but ld still reclaims for him!
>> because you forgot to do a 'make clean'
> or remove objects by hand.
> saludos,
> sevy