hi list,
i finally got hacked a feature that i allways wanted:
automatic scrollbars :)
like, if the patch window is wider than the actual patch, dont show the
horizontal scrollbar, same for vertical. and of course show the
scrollbar(s) again, if patch bigger than window size...
i just started learning tcl/tk ~3 days ago, so this code may have
here we go (edit pd.tk)
add this:
bind $name.c <Configure> { pdtk_canvas_scrollbars %W %w %h }
:some where (i have it by the other "bindings")
and add this:
proc pdtk_canvas_scrollbars {name x y} {
set size [$name bbox all]
set x2 [lindex $size 2]
set y2 [lindex $size 3]
set rootname [winfo parent $name]
if {$x > $x2} {pack forget $rootname.scrollhort}
if {$y > $y2} {pack forget $rootname.scrollvert}
if {$x < $x2} {pack $rootname.scrollhort -side bottom -fill x
-before $rootname.c}
if {$y < $y2} {pack $rootname.scrollvert -side right -fill y -before
:some where (i have it by the other "event bindings procedures")
thats it.
i dont know how i could use something like pd object [change] in those
pack if's... if needed ?
and having to use the same settings (-side, -fill) again doesnt sound
good neither....
well, atleast it seems to work :)
ps. sorry for line breaks, cant find the setting in my email client :/