I figured out a scheme to make [comport] port numbers (i.e. [comport
1]) work on Mac OS X. I want to run it by you to see if you think
it'll work in [comport], and ask whether I should send you a patch or
just commit it to CVS.
Mac OS X labels serial port devices like /dev/tty.*, for example:
/dev/tty.modem (built-in modem on my laptop)
/dev/tty.serial (serial port on an Xserve server)
/dev/tty.usbserial-191 (my USBserial adapter)
So basically, it could number these devices based on alphabetical
order of the /dev/tty.* devices. Like this:
[comport 1] = /dev/tty.modem
[comport 2] = /dev/tty.serial
[comport 3] = /dev/tty.usbserial-191
Or on my laptop:
[comport 1] = /dev/tty.modem
[comport 2] = /dev/tty.usbserial-191
or on the XServe (with one built-in serial port):
[comport 1] = /dev/tty.serial
"[W]e have invented the technology to eliminate scarcity, but we are
deliberately throwing it away to benefit those who profit from
-John Gilmore