(moving this thread to pd-dev where i think it belongs)
federico wrote:
> gÃŒnter geiger ha scritto:
>> On Sun, 13 Nov 2005, federico wrote:
>>> I don't see any changes from my local version.
>>> last time I checked midiout functionality with alsa_midi, note and
>>> controllers worked ok, but system exclusive were not transmitted.
>>> in fact I discovered that sys_alsa_putmidibyte never gets called (!).
>>> in addition I am not sure if a message can be sent to alsa byte-per-byte
>>> instead of passing the entire buffer, i should look at the docs...
>> I fear that in order to make midiout work with ALSA one has to implement
>> a midi parser and send the single events. Thats why Miller says its
>> "wrong-headed".
>> Somone should really try to figure out how raw midi streams can be
>> sent via the ALSA sequencer interface, maybe there's a way.
> this patch was submitted time ago.
> what does tries to fix?
> it simply parses for system exclusive messages (they begin with 0xf0 and
> end with 0xf7) so we put everithing that comes between 0xf0...0xf7 in a
> buffer, and when receiving the 0xf7 byte (end-of-sysex) we send the
> entire buffer to alsa.
> this should be the right way of doing it.
> since note&controllers worked, i think it is okay sending them like we
> actually do.
> however when I tried this didn't work because sys_alsa_putmidibyte
> doesn't gets called.
> how do I re-enable it?
look at the patch i have submitted yesterday to the patch-tracker.
it does exactly this: enable that calling of sys_alsa_putmidibyte() from
within [midiout] (depending on which midi-api is used)
however, i am not totally convinced of wrapping [midiout] into "real"
for this i would suggest a separate [sysexout]-object.
the old code does work fine (_if_ sys_alsa_putmidibyte() gets called!)
the memory leak, gÃŒnter was referring too, could be fixed by just _not_
allocating dataptr without freeing it.
the attached stupid little patch seems to work here (again i just tested
it with aconnecting the pd's midiout with pd's midiin)
Index: s_midi_alsa.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/pure-data/pd/src/s_midi_alsa.c,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -r1.4 s_midi_alsa.c
< unsigned char *dataptr = malloc(1);
< memcpy(dataptr,&byte,1);
< snd_seq_ev_set_sysex(&ev,1,dataptr); //...set_variable *should* have worked but didn't
> snd_seq_ev_set_sysex(&ev,1,&data); //...set_variable *should* have worked but didn't