On Wed, Jan 26, 2005 at 12:20:57PM +0100, Krzysztof Czaja wrote:
> hi carmen,
> have not found any good solution yet, still trying...
just removed 'edit' mode in my version, in favor of making 'edit-mode' the default while renaming non-edit-mode to 'lock patch' - even among similar apps, Bidule/Reaktor/VVVV get along fine without seperate modes, not to mention my text editor, paint program, etc.. the only programs i can think of with 'edit-mode' forced upon the user are vi and Max/MSP, neither of which i pretend to like in the Usability dept..
more than a bit baffled why the gui is bypassing Tk's mature binding and event system and instead sending over "motion" events to let the C side manage all of this stuff (in a much less readable/hackable fashion), but ive opted for synthesizing an event when an object is selected via lasso:
<<$target-Select>> {bind <button1> {} ... (unbind stuff)}
<<$target-Deselect>> { bind <button1> {do some interactive stuff..}}
so the objects can subscribe as necessary...a vi-user could rename these functions to <$canvas-Edit-0> <$canvas-Edit-1> or what not, the principle being the same.
and you can always drag the object without selecting it by holding down Alt..its great to stop riding ctrl-e all the time..
> carmen wrote:
> >hi Krzysztof...im wondering how youve made kb & multiscale draggable in
> >edit mode. my widgets all bind <ButtonPress-1> for someting or other..and
> >they can only moved in edit mode by a border...or by selecting multiple
> >objects and moving the other (such as select a numbox + widget)