Wir laden sie recht herzlich zu einem Open CUBE Konzert und einer CUBE Lecture am IEM ein.
Donnerstag 15.12.2015 IEM - Institut für Elektronische Musik und Akustik - IEM, Inffeldgasse 10/3, Graz
CUBE Lecture - 18:00 Uhr Aurélio Edler-Copes "In the Limits of the Sound"
In this lecture, Aurélio Edler-Copes, composer in residence at KulturKontakt, will present his artistic research about time, motion, energy and physicality in the limits of the production and perception of the sound. He will establish some connections with visual arts and philosophy, as well discuss about these elements in the compositional process of Eclipsis, Infinite Walls and For Malevich, which will be performed by the students of IEM in a concert after the lecture.
AURÉLIO EDLER-COPES (Brazil, 1976). Brazilian composer living in Paris, Aurélio Edler-Copes’s works are knew for its radical exploration of the limits of perception and for its dramatic power. He collaborates regularly with prestigious ensembles (as the Ensemble Intercontemporain, Klangforum Wien, MusikFabrik, Quatuor Diotima, Nieuw Ensemble, L’Itinéraire, Mosaik, etc.) and has been awarded in important international composition contests as the ‘Roma Prize’ in Spain, being composer in residence at the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome (2010-2011) or the Prix Georges Wildenstein of the Academy of Fine Arts of France, being composer in residence and artistic member of the Casa Velázquez-French Academy in Madrid (2011-2012).
Aurélio Edler-Copes is bachelor degree in Guitar (Federal University, Brazil) and in Composition (Advanced Centre of Music, Basque Country-Musikene, with Gabriel Erkoreka), master degree in Composition and Musical Theater (Hochschule der Künste Bern, Switzerland, with Georges Aperghis) and specialized in Composition and Computer Music (Cursus IRCAM - Centre Pompidou Paris).
Von Oktober bis Dezember 2015 ist er Composer in Residence vom Bundeskanzleramt und dem KulturKontakt Austria.
Open CUBE - 19:00 Uhr Live Elektronik „Performace Practice in Contemporary Music“ Studierende der Lehrveranstaltung „Live-Elektronik“ von David Pirrò
Programm: Werke von Aurélio Edler Copes und Nathan Davis
ECLIPSIS, for piano and live electronics INFINITE WALLS, for violin and live electronics FOR MALEVICH, for violin, double bass and live electronics INTERFERENCE, video and tape CIPHER, for cello and live electronics
Esteban Belinchón, Electronics Scott Lygate, Electronics Paula Hedvall, Violin Jonathan Heilbron, Double bass, Electronics Alexandra Radoulova, Piano Stephanie Schoiswohl, Saxophone
Nähere Infos über die Konzertreihe unter http://iem.kug.ac.at/veranstaltungen/open-cube.html
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