Wir laden sie herzlichst zu einem Open CUBE Konzert am IEM - Institut für Elektronische Musik und Akustik, Inffeldgasse 10/3, 8010 Graz ein!
Saxophon and Live Electronics Konzert von Joel Diegert Dienstag 06.05.2014, 20:00 Uhr
Joel Diegert (US) is a dynamic musician, representing a new generation of international saxophonists. He has won prizes at several major international competitions, and he performs regularly in Europe and the US. He is dedicated to the development and promotion of contemporary music for the saxophone, and to this end collaborates regularly with composers and has premiered countless new works. Joel's particular interest in the possibilities of live electronics applied to the saxophone lead him to begin a doctoral study program at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz.
This concert of electro-acoustic music for saxophone and electronics includes four exciting works by composers from the US, Spain, France and Argentina.
El Gran Cabrón (2012) Germán Alonso (*1984) Cipher (2012) Nathan Davis (*1973) L'air d'ailleurs - Bicinium (1997) Fabien Lévy (*1968) Senderos… que bifurcan (2002-03) Luis Naón (*1961)
Joel Diegert, saxophones David Pirrò, live electronics
Nähere Infos über die Konzertreihe unter http://iem.kug.ac.at/veranstaltungen/open-cube.html
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