signale graz 10000 Real and Imagined Places
Freitag, 23. März 2018
17.30 Uhr, MUMUTH, György-Ligeti-Saal signale graz Lecture “Place and Space” mit Trond Lossius
The composer and sound artist Trond Lossius explores how sound relates to place in field recordings, audio-visual installations and cross-disciplinary collaborative art works. Based on the needs of his own practise, he develops software for spatial audio. He will present documentation from past works, discuss the research questions that drive his practise, and reflect on the shift of meaning when sound is understood as "placial" rather than spatial. Trond Lossius is Head of Research at Oslo National Academy of the Arts.
19.30 Uhr, MUMUTH, György-Ligeti-Saal signale graz Konzert “Real and Imagined Places” mit Werken von Jacqueline George, Anders Vinjar, Craig Wells und Bethan Kellough Programmauswahl: Trond Lossius Klangregie: Anders Vinjar und Davide Gagliardi
For a number of years Lydgalleriet (The Gallery of Sound) in Bergen, Norway, has explored the many different artistic expressive possibilities that spatial sound offers. This concert presents a selection of works, featuring four composers from three continents. The works relate to everyday sound, field recordings, cinematic soundscapes, acousmatic music and accidental jazz. The concert is curated by the composer and sound artist Trond Lossius.
Eintrittskarten: Konzert-/Abendkassa; Zentralkartenbüro Graz (0316 / 830255) Studierende und KUG-Bedienstete erhalten nach Verfügbarkeit eine Freikarte an der Abendkasse.
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