Open CUBE - COLLAB competition finalists
You are invited to a participatory performance where the audience is
also involved in creation of sound throughout the concert. Works
presented are the finalists of the contest organized by FWF_PEEK funded
project COLLAB (Collaborative Creativity as a Participatory Tool for
Interactive Sound Creation). The composers/creators are:
Giacomo Lepri, Fabio Morreale, Benjamin Stahl, Paul Wolff, Kosmas
Giannoutakis, Benjamin Matuszewski, und Norbert Schnell
Friday 06.07.2018 at 19.00
IEM CUBE, Inffeldgasse 10/3, 8010 Graz
Further details
Nähere Infos über die Konzertreihe unter
You are warmly welcome!
Kunstuniversitaet Graz Inffeldgasse 10/3
Institut fuer Elektronische Musik und Akustik - IEM A-8010 Graz
Tel: +43-316-389/3170