Wir laden sie recht herzlich zu einem Open CUBE Konzert am IEM ein.
Samstag 17.09.2016 um 16.00Uhr am IEM - Institut für Elektronische Musik
und Akustik, Inffeldgasse 10/3, Graz
Open CUBE:
Every Move a Sound
On the Intricacies of Memory
We move and sound. We wear sound and motion sensors. Movements and
sounds are joined and recorded as traces. Continuously.
Everybody yarns their sonic filament retractable by
anybody. Anytime. Retracing is resounding is reinscribing. One’s own
or another’s trace. Inevitably. We fill the performance space with
remnants of our actions. This is how the past remains with us. Every
action constraining the future. Becoming an obstacle or turning into a
potential. The denser the traces, the harder it becomes to read them,
to pull a thread out of the plot.
In this environment we engage in extended and repetitive improvisatory
processes, fathoming the potential of the collective instrument we are
developing for years now. We aim at establishing a performance
practice in which movement and sound can coexist without exploiting or
betraying each other.
Eine Performance von Gerhard Eckel, Alexander Gottfarb, Anna Nowak und
David Pirrò
Nähere Infos über die Konzertreihe unter
Eintritt frei - Wir freuen uns auf Ihr Kommen!
Kunstuniversitaet Graz Inffeldgasse 10/3
Institut fuer Elektronische Musik und Akustik - IEM A-8010 Graz
Tel: +43-316-389/3170 http://iem.at/