Pdweb April 2005

  • 4 participants
  • 6 discussions
Re: [PD] registration for pure-data.info
by IOhannes m zmoelnig 27 Apr '05

27 Apr '05
Topics etc,... somehow fixed and ownership.
by Winfried Ritsch 19 Apr '05

19 Apr '05
No software patents portlet
by Winfried Ritsch 19 Apr '05

19 Apr '05
my changed to the FAQ keep getting lost
by Hans-Christoph Steiner 18 Apr '05

18 Apr '05
Collectors don't work anymore
by Frank Barknecht 14 Apr '05

14 Apr '05
mailing-list migration....
by IOhannes m zmoelnig 01 Apr '05

01 Apr '05
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