I am trying to upload Pd-extended test builds to puredata.info and I get seem to get the upload going. I can get to my folder, the upload seems to start, but then stops after running for just a bit. Also when I try WebDAV, it doesn't accept my password.
Below is a transcript of an FTP session:
hans@walterpatricksmith:build > ncftp ftp://hans@puredata.org:8021/pd/ pd/Members/hans/downloads NcFTP 3.1.8 (Jul 27, 2004) by Mike Gleason (http://www.NcFTP.com/ contact/). Connecting to mathews FTP server (Medusa Async V1.23 [experimental]) ready. Logging in... Password requested by for user "hans".
Password required.
Password: ********
Login successful. Logged in to puredata.org. Could not chdir to pd: server said: Unauthorized. Current remote directory is /. ncftp / > cd /pd/pd ncftp /pd/pd > cd Members/hans/downloads ncftp ...Members/hans/downloads > cd installers ncftp ...s/downloads/installers > bin ncftp ...s/downloads/installers > passive passive off ncftp ...s/downloads/installers > passive passive on ncftp ...s/downloads/installers > put Pd-0.39.2-extended-test2-linux- i686.tar.bz2 Data connection timed out. ...ded-test2-linux-i686.tar.bz2: ETA: 411:19 0.03/ 9.91 MB 419.67 B/s =
Then it dies...
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"I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality and freedom for their spirits." - Martin Luther King, Jr.