this is a mere echo mail: i want to check how alive this list is.
a thread in the pd-list maillist is talking about the pr & marketing of pure data to the public. the very hot topics so far are a the puredata website and the pros & contras of maillist and forum.
a redesign of the webpage would do a very good job in making pd interesting for other people. right now it's to technical and a maze, at least in my humble opinion. and i still want to state that a good fanbase is the best way to develop a product. more users = more interest = more programers = better stuff for everyone.
just have a look at the program itself is not that overwhelming. is it an easier access to java programing with a graphical aproach. but what they did out of it is amazing. a huge fanbase with so many good libaries to take on.
are there people willing to do a plone-skin? (look at to see what is possible) because changing from plone to something else is not an option i think. to much work. to much lose.
On 21/10/2006, at 22.28, Adrian wrote:
this is a mere echo mail: i want to check how alive this list is.
are there people willing to do a plone-skin? (look at to see what is possible) because changing from plone to something else is not an option i think. to much work. to much lose.
i think grafical changes are a good start. But i also think that structural changes and silk documentation are important to get the best out of it.
I am, when i get some time, going to make a proposal. But there have, in my opinion already been made good suggestions. fx:
Kyle wrote:
I really do enjoy the layout on the Processing site (http://, since it is very clean and has lots of pictures and a big fat examples section on the front page. If we are trying to market Pd to new users, this is THE most important thing (as previously asserted).
I also enjoy their utilization of subdomains. We could do this with things like, http:// ,, etc.
Also, it would be best if the forum was attached to the main website by at least a prominent link/redirect, if not actually in server space. But we definitely need more pictures: unless you're trying to show off by running lynx, the internet is not a purely textual medium. Besides, the people who actually DO patch Pd without a GUI probably aren't so interested in visiting a more marketing-oriented site anyway. Maybe we could do http://
Pete wote:
- What it is, in simple terminology
- What people are doing with it
- How to install it - where to find different versions, and a sub-
page with 'common problems' that people have when installing
- Some simple tutorials with patches (the first howto on the
current page is Miller's book!)
Just wanted to shout out: I'm on this list now too, although I know NOTHING about plone!
On 10/21/06, Steffen wrote:
On 21/10/2006, at 22.28, Adrian wrote:
this is a mere echo mail: i want to check how alive this list is.
are there people willing to do a plone-skin? (look at to see what is possible) because changing from plone to something else is not an option i think. to much work. to much lose.
i think grafical changes are a good start. But i also think that structural changes and silk documentation are important to get the best out of it.
I am, when i get some time, going to make a proposal. But there have, in my opinion already been made good suggestions. fx:
Kyle wrote:
I really do enjoy the layout on the Processing site (http://, since it is very clean and has lots of pictures and a big fat examples section on the front page. If we are trying to market Pd to new users, this is THE most important thing (as previously asserted).
I also enjoy their utilization of subdomains. We could do this with things like, http:// ,, etc.
Also, it would be best if the forum was attached to the main website by at least a prominent link/redirect, if not actually in server space. But we definitely need more pictures: unless you're trying to show off by running lynx, the internet is not a purely textual medium. Besides, the people who actually DO patch Pd without a GUI probably aren't so interested in visiting a more marketing-oriented site anyway. Maybe we could do http://
Pete wote:
- What it is, in simple terminology
- What people are doing with it
- How to install it - where to find different versions, and a sub-
page with 'common problems' that people have when installing
- Some simple tutorials with patches (the first howto on the
current page is Miller's book!)
pdweb mailing list
There is also a dormant wiki page for the website, if you are looking for a place to take notes.
Its great that you are taking this on!
On Oct 21, 2006, at 4:28 PM, Adrian wrote:
this is a mere echo mail: i want to check how alive this list is.
a thread in the pd-list maillist is talking about the pr & marketing of pure data to the public. the very hot topics so far are a the puredata website and the pros & contras of maillist and forum.
a redesign of the webpage would do a very good job in making pd interesting for other people. right now it's to technical and a maze, at least in my humble opinion. and i still want to state that a good fanbase is the best way to develop a product. more users = more interest = more programers = better stuff for everyone.
just have a look at the program itself is not that overwhelming. is it an easier access to java programing with a graphical aproach. but what they did out of it is amazing. a huge fanbase with so many good libaries to take on.
are there people willing to do a plone-skin? (look at to see what is possible) because changing from plone to something else is not an option i think. to much work. to much lose.
-- another incomplete website:
pdweb mailing list
On 22/10/2006, at 0.27, Steffen wrote:
I am, when i get some time, going to make a proposal.
Which is more like a humble set in-comprehensive of comments:
I apologies for any possible harsh tone, it is really not intended, and shouldn't be taken as such.
Just to push "this" a tad. Apropos:
Ripping if the Processing site: What would be good Pd examples to put on the front page? I think 3-4 examples of "patches" that have different "qualities", and then end it with a non/meta-example that simply should/could tell the story, that there are lots of hands on examples shipped with the application - ready to check out.
The qualities for a patch could be that it uses no externals, that it uses externals shipped in pd-extended, that it is useful for a musician as a part of a set up, that it could be the hole setup, that it is live/realtime stuff. Thats could be a lot. As long as it is documented w.r.t both requirements and use, i think it could go in.
What do you think?
On Nov 23, 2006, at 5:12 PM, Steffen wrote:
On 22/10/2006, at 0.27, Steffen wrote:
I am, when i get some time, going to make a proposal.
Which is more like a humble set in-comprehensive of comments:
I apologies for any possible harsh tone, it is really not intended, and shouldn't be taken as such.
Most of what's on that page I would say do it now, others are more grey areas. I think in order to make this work in the overall, we should probably do an info-architecture style overview. Start with a 'content audit' to see what's out there, then lay it out into a coherent structure. I suppose that might be more work than this, but it would be probably more interesting work, and would produce better results.
What would certainly help organize the site is either someone learning how to really use Plone, like defining a small set of content types to make adding to the site easy, or switching to Drupal and doing the same. (I could whip out a drupal site at this point now that I've done a few. I could even host it if IEM was interested)
Just to push "this" a tad. Apropos:
Ripping if the Processing site: What would be good Pd examples to put on the front page? I think 3-4 examples of "patches" that have different "qualities", and then end it with a non/meta-example that simply should/could tell the story, that there are lots of hands on examples shipped with the application - ready to check out.
The qualities for a patch could be that it uses no externals, that it uses externals shipped in pd-extended, that it is useful for a musician as a part of a set up, that it could be the hole setup, that it is live/realtime stuff. Thats could be a lot. As long as it is documented w.r.t both requirements and use, i think it could go in.
What do you think?
How about having guest curators from the list? Since you are leading the charge on this, do you want to curate some pieces for the frontpage? Each curator could have stuff up for a month or so. As for getting the curator position, we could have a page, like a wiki or something else, where people sign up for curator slots.