Hello all,
After examining the community section, here is what i plan to do:
* pdwikiwiki : change state to private * deleted wiki page : change state to private
* add folder : member downloads - move : Pd art / Pd patches / Pd music / Pd logos inside the "member downloads" folder - add in this folder a "Pd projects" smart folder that list all content with the "project" tag
* move the organization folder and the patching circles wikis in a common "meetings" folder.
* Remove the "Projects" folder, for that - remove the automatic listing of "Project" tag (why is this listing different projects when we are logged in?) - remove duplicate folders of the 3 conventions - move "Paradiddle", "Rradical" and "Assembling dedicated pd computer" in the "member downloads/Pd projects" page - move the "Software" to a root "/software" folder - what is the state of the exhibition folder here only accessible to members?? Is it somehow related to the root "exhibiton" folder or can it be simply deleted
add redirections, specially for the download section.
In a second step, i'ld like to try to use page to describe local contents instead of "Frontpage" element. I'd first test in some testing subfolder before to modifiy existing folders. But I think the layout of a page is much more simple than the layout of a wiki "Frontpage", specially when we are not logged in.
Please, if you are ok with that or not, tell me. Same if you see something else, or if you see something to add aor to remove. I'd like to work on it these days, after that i won't have much time.
Can one of the other admin do the most dangerous part: - move the "community/projects/software" folder to a root "/software" folder and adding a redirection from community/projects/software to that folder?
Best n