Steffen wrote:
That would be o.k. Kind of similar to hiding the folders as / exhibition/files/ are now. But better since members can then find the documentation. They now can't find the files folder, i think, but they know it's there be cause it says in the docs. Or maybe they can
hmm, just because the "files" folder does not appear on the navigation-tree, does not mean it cannot be found. the first hit when searching "vol-0" (ok, who is going to do this?) gives me ./exhibition/files/vol-0
just use the "view content" feature? But that would be dodgy.
one problem is, that WikiPages are outside of the standard workflow (you cannot set them "private" or "published"); i do not see a real reason why the exhibition should be based on WikiPages (there are 3 main features of WikiPages over ordinary 'documents': "everybody" can edit (not a real _feature_ considered we are talking about a curated exhibition), easy markup language (but you can use StructuredText in ordinary documents as well) and easy subpage creation (not relevant if each exhibition is restricted to one singe page)
That is true. However, the wiki pages are already not displyed in the menu as all non folders or smart folders don't get into the menu.
again: just because something is not obivous does not mean it is not visible. webcrawlers tend to find everything, and google caches a lot.
mfga.sdr IOhannes