jfm3 writes:
I would like to change www.pure-data.org to a redirector to your new site. Can you give me a good url for this? I realize you're still in a test phase, but what I see looks pretty good...
I have mapped www.pure-data.org name on the site already, so you can change any time you decide, so both domainames (should) work parallel.
Redirect www.pure-data.org to
So some questions arises. You can change it on the dns server, but then all mail, ftp, etc is also directed to this host.
a) Should we take over some email addresses or aliases ?
b) What kind of ftp-space should be taken over ? (I didnt see anyone but maybe there is)
not so important now but anyway:
c) What will you do with the domain in future ( who pays this ) ?
I saw on an hostname check:
host -CAL 1 www.pure-data.org
www.pure-data.org NS record currently not present No nameservers for www.pure-data.org found
If you need an nameserver and secondary one, we have one., where we can give you access to your records.
mfg Winfried