Hallo, Michael Zeltner hat gesagt: // Michael Zeltner wrote:
just wanted to let you know that i'd be interessted in helping to design the portal.
i made some major changes to the plone 2.0 skin (yes i'm a plone developer), which is extremely flexible now and has a tableless layout (which is flexible and "browser-independent" too).
you can change nearly everything regarding the design with the ploneCustom.css file now. even make a fake 4+ column design and replace text (like the tabs, or the column box [portlet] headers) with images.
Not his is just: wonderful!
(that sounds like i'm a marketing guy :P)
if you're interested and you know somebody with great graphical skills, get him/her to mail me a an approved new layout/design (or i can make a proposal too), and i'll send you the files i changed ;) but migration should be done when 2.0 final arrives (betas or cvs is never that good if you use it for production).
Actually I think, that no one is currently working on the graphical side. I would like to change the logo someday, because the color(s) just doesn't match the rest of the page. (I think it was planned to make a whole skin, but it didn't work out yet obviously).
Is your skin visible somewhere? And if I understand it correctly, then it would require a plone update, wouldn't it? Then Winfried would have the last word about it.