On Apr 10, 2007, at 11:53 AM, Steffen wrote:
On 05/04/2007, at 5.55, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
Yay, progress!
More progress.
As put in the proposal "internal" stuff is located '/community/ projects/exhibition' where as the "public" stuff lives in '/ exhibition'.
I've edited the Organizing wiki page <http://puredata.info/ community/projects/exhibition/Organizing/>. If there are errors or unclearness, please correct it or let me know about it.
This looks quite good so far. Perhaps the schedule should be its own page, for the sake of clarity.
- Next up is to make a "test" exhibition. This is both to make the
Template wiki as well as to test that "public part" works as it should.
Good idea. Perhaps there could also be an example template to show off some of the formatting possibilities.
- After that i'll try to pitch Exhibition on the pd-list to make
more people aware of it. Hopefully make some folks interested in being curators. In that sales pitch i'll include some possible exhibition themes to ease things up.
Sounds good.
- Mean while i'll update the ToBeFrontPage <http://puredata.info/
exhibition/ToBeFrontPage> till it's nice (what ever that means), and the rename it FrontPage such that it will be the actual frontpage - ie the wiki page that the browser is directed to when pointed to the /exhibition folder. I curently can not manually point it to other wiki pages, hence not manually point it to a to- be-current-exhibition. This might involve wee changes to the dir layout in the '/exhibition' folder. If so I'll of cause let y'all know though here as well as edit the "What's Where" section of the Organizing wiki <http://puredata.info/community/projects/exhibition/ Organizing#ww>.
Sounds good.
- Then it's go-go. People can add them self to take curator slots.
And we see how it all goes.
Thanks for reading.
Glad to see you are cranking on this, seems like we'll have en exhibition soon enough!
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Using ReBirth is like trying to play an 808 with a long stick. - David Zicarelli