Hello !
Since nowadays Forums and weblogs have Subscription support and email entry, they become more and more an mailinglists. So why don't just make a mailboxer with additional a online form to mail, so poeple can make up mailinglists for their projects, have the archives online like a forum and all mailinglists are searchable over the site.
So I think we can make a content crop machine out of the page, since many info on a lively community is just in mails.
This to me sounds like it could be ideal solution. I didn't know there was such a Product. I am browsing through http://www.dzug.org/mailinglisten/zope/ now, and it has raised a few questions:
- Is there a threaded view, rather than a linear view? It would nice
to have the threaded view for archival reading, and the forum view for more day-to-day reading and posting.
- Can you post anonymously using a Mailboxer? I couldn't find an
Mailboxer page that allows posting from the web.
according to features in http://www.zope.org/Members/mjablonski/MailBoxer it does have threaded view and also you can make it moderated or not (so i think anonymous poster could fall into spam categories), but if we just have a for make ing posts we can choose a formuser we want.
I will check this product out this week, lets see what we can do.
mfg winfried