On Oct 22, 2007, at 2:48 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
i think that it is not a good thing to have different text formats in the same section. I think each section should have a specific format. This makes it much more maintainable. If the wysiwyg editor works well, which I hear it does, then it could be any format really.
well i don't know whether it's a good thing or not; i can live with both.
however: the wysiwyg editor _only_ works with HTML (if you do wysiwyg you usually don't care anyhow what the generated code looks like); so if the wysiwyg is used, the format is fixed.
AND: the use of the wysiwyg editor is a per-user preference. so all users that have opted in to use Kupu for HTML-editing automatically have the wysiwyg editor when they edit an HTML-page. (i have to check what happens if they edit something else) all others will have HTML-code to read
and finally: there is no way to enforce the use of a certain markup in a subdirectory. so it is all based on the goodwill of the users.
Can you set the default? With "wiki folders", you can control which syntaxes are used. This isn't available elsewhere?
mfg.asdr IOhannes
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